This Article helps you to understand the OSEK
In this series we will try to examine the OSEK and will try to come up with some ideas to work with it and this is the First among many articles yet to come.
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What is OSEK?
OSEK is an abbreviation for "Offene Systeme und deren Schnittstellen fuer die Elektronik im Kraftfahrzeug" and if you don’t understand and started feeling you will not be comfortable with it, don’t worry this actually mean Open Systems and the Corresponding Interfaces for Automotive Electronics.
Initially it was started by Bosch, BMW, DaimlerChrysler, Opel, Siemens, VW and the IIIT of the University of Karlsruhe as co-ordinator.
Initially there was four major set of standards:
=>OSEK Implementation Language (OIL)
=>Operating System
=>Network Management
Later on many others were published which includes such as:
=>OSEK/VDX time triggered operating system
=>OSEK/VDX fault tolerant communication
=>Binding Document
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OSEK architecture:
There are basically two types of architecture:
one where application and HAL communicate directly and
one where these two don't communicate directly
The main difference between two is the interaction between Application and the HAL layer.
Here the later design gives a hardware independent design while the first one give a better performance.
What next:
What we know from earlier article is that we have many standards defined by OSEK.
We will look into them one by one; we will first go with OS.
In this series we will also look into tips to implement the OSEK and also try to explain various things related to OSEK and also RTOS.
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Till now we have seen different standards defined by OSEK community and now we will see the OS part, part by part.
The major topics we will cover in this section includes:
1) Starting it up
2) Hook routines
3) Shutting it down
4) Tasks
5) Alarms
6) Counters
7) Events
8) Interrupt
9) Resources
10) Inter-process communication
And many minor ones.
We will also see some dummy implementation and also application (whenever possible), in section to come