Panasonic TC-P50S2 Plasma Overview
We usually test every Tv using a 480i resolution. This is a fantastic test of a TVs upconversion and processing chip sets.
The signal may possibly be likened to what you will see with your normal digital cable or satellite signal.The TC-P50S2 sequence plasma contains the new an updated version from the NEO PDP (i.e. plasma display) from Panasonic. This is actually the same display employed in some of the higher end Panasonic sequence which should make this model a great value if image top quality is your primary objective. We find the image top quality overall enhanced from the prior S1 collection. The drives do a small far better work of eliminating motion artifacts than the S1 collection did. Color rendition is nevertheless with black levels being the primary progress area from the S2 collection delivering a lot more depth and solidity. As was the case on the S1 collection,

brightness is a strength with the these newer Panasonic plasma models.
The image presentation of the through the 50S2 is nevertheless really bright and also the enhanced black ranges a lot improved. Black levels are deep and strong with an HD signal input via HDMI. While not the very best we've seen lately, they lose the dark gray haziness that the S2 can display with a 480i signal. Color is plenty saturated and dark shadow detail remains exceptional.
Black amounts were an location that the S1 series needed a makeover on. They got it with this S2 series. These are not going to be the very best black levels we see this year and we dont anticipate them coming close to some of the Samsung plasma black amounts. Nevertheless, Panasonic has brought black amounts back into welcomed focus. Final ANSI contrast measurement was 1261:1 which is a nice improvement more than last year but far from what we want. One of several TVs greatest strengths lies in its white brightness which measured an typical luminance of 31.50. This outcome nears LCD TVs in brightness and points to Panasonic's desire to compete with LCD TVs in this location.
Partly because of the high brightness of this plasma dark shadow detail is exceptional. Panasonic plasma TVs have long been a favorite of ours in this important area.
Color rendition is much much more saturated with HD content. The Tv excels with HD content material and is significantly much more subdued in presentation with lower signals. Colors can seem a little weak and hazy at times with lower end signals. I will give them the thumbs up on reality however.
Among the key element differences from the S2 collection while using G20 sequence of plasma by Panasonic may be the absense from the Viera Cast feature set, which enables on the internet content material via a web interface. Consequently, another highlight is no Ethernet port. The included Viera Link element enables the user to control other Viera link capable outboard equipment. Viera Image viewer could be the Panasonic compatible technology which enables use of SD memory card viewing via the SD card slot.The S2 has discrete picture settings for each input as well as Panasonic's new "600 Hz" specification for blur reduction.
This Tv is Energy Star compliant as a result of an energy saver feature choice. Power consumption for the S2 has been reduced from the S1. This is among the primary feature differences aside from improved black amounts. Panasonic started improving efficiency in their plasma TVs in 2007 and have enhanced it 400% with this S2 model. They are now close enough to LCDs in vitality efficiency that's ought to not matter.
The black gloss bezel framing might be a wide for my taste at over 2 inches. Panasonic designates the design from the new S2 collection as the "Clean Touch Bezel Design". Initially it appears you can find speaker perforations throughout the bezel, however upon closer inspection they are usually are not speakers but just raised vertical tabs. It's an average, fairly plain looking display, not by any means refined or unique. The Television depth is regular for a 50" screen at 3.7".
The Format button on the remote controls this function with choices: Just, 4:3, Zoom, Full, H-Full. Panasonic's Just aspect ratio setting does a fantastic job of displaying an algorithmically balanced image image.