Saving Time and Money with Enterprise Mobile Apps
The world is swiftly going mobile and American entrepreneurs are swiftly becoming major users of enterprise mobile apps. Rightly so because enterprise apps have proven their effectiveness in taking businesses to new heights.
The world is swiftly going mobile and American entrepreneurs are swiftly becoming major users of enterprise mobile apps. Rightly so because enterprise apps have proven their effectiveness in taking businesses to new heights. At present,

there is an app for everything that we do either personally or professionally and business owners are quickly grasping the opportunities presented by ever-growing technology. Small-scale industries do not lag behind in adopting and deploying them to meet the demands arising at various levels. Small business owners realize that these apps can help them achieve multiple benefits multiple benefits including huge savings in time and money. A mobile app survey was conducted for SBE Council, which revealed how enterprise mobile apps are benefitting the US based small and medium sized business owners. Here are a few key findings of this research.
Strong mobile device integration – This research revealed that small business owners have gathered pace in terms of mobile apps adoption. Half of the US small business owners are already using smart phones in their businesses. This research also revealed that because of apps, business owners are getting away from using desktops and laptops in offices.
Apps helping business owners save a significant amount of time every week – Of all small business owners surveyed, around 78 percent said that using enterprise mobile apps allow them to save a significant amount of time. Few business owners revealed that they have saved approximately 6 hours per employee in a week by using enterprise mobile apps. If we calculate it roughly, we will conclude that 1.28 million small business owners in the US will save around 372.8 million hours in a year.
Mobile apps are helping employee save time – In the survey, 75 percent business owners said that using mobile apps allow their employees to save a substantial amount of time. According to an estimate, an average of 11.3 employee hours and a median of 5.0 hours are saved every week. Based on the average pay of employees in small businesses, total annual saving estimated for small businesses from employees' time saved would be around USD 17.6 billion. Moreover, if a business entity has less than 20 people using smart devices in offices, they will account to save around 2.34 billion employee hours in a year, it will help them save around USD 56.9 billion every year.
Enterprise mobile apps allow business owners to focus towards sales growth – Mostly small business owners are always short of time and whatever time they have is lost is tackling one of the toughest challenges i.e. "how to increase sales and revenue?" Enterprise mobile apps comes to rescue here as well, as survey reveals that 50 percent business owners believe that mobile apps helps them save a considerable amount of time, which they utilize in mulling upon how to increase sales and boost revenues. Around 51 percent of the business owners surveyed said that enterprise mobile apps help them become more competitive.
Small business owners are seeing the "apportunity" as an opportunity. Although the majority of business owners still believe that desktops and the Internet are their most valuable tools to leverage the ongoing competitive era. Then, the same number of business owners says that they are quickly switching to mobile apps to run their businesses. It is estimated that continuously innovation and the advent of 4G technology will increase this adoption rate, as the technology of enterprise mobile apps will advance further. This will also be supported by the continuous evolution of mobile devices, as they will continue to advance and entail more business features for professional users.