Advanced technologies for sure will change our future, but the thing is how we adopt those in our day to day life. Take a look on those emerging technologies.
7 Technologies That Will Change Our Future
It has been proved that technology has been developed more in the last five years compared to last fifty years; probably it will be even faster in the upcoming years.
Here we shall discuss about the 7 technologies that will change our future.
In the next few decades, this technology will transform the whole business process and help us to manage resource efficiently and sustainably. It is expected that more than million sensors will be connected to internet to improve the productivity of any business. IOT is helpful in sharing information from anywhere and organizing themselves to make our lives easier.
By 2020 more than 20% of cars will be connected to the internet and more than 24% of home internet is used to operate the appliances and devices.
Few years ago 3D printing technology mainly used for designing objects like cars, houses and many other things. But now 3D printing is used to create human tissue, brain and other custom prosthetics. Now patients would not have fear to die due to lack of organ donator. According to survey by the Global Agenda Council in the year of 2025 people can expect 3D printed liver for transplantation.
The 3D printing technology combines the computational design, material engineering and synthetic biology in order to reduce the gap between makers and users and removes the limitation of mass production.
Whenever you throw a query on Google search, scan your passport or make any online transaction; each time you are leaving a data trail behind that can be analyzed and accessed when it is required. This whole process is only possible with the Big Data technology. It shows better way to collect and analyze large amount of data in real time by adapting this technology.
There are many online tools available to keep track of customer behavior, social media channels, statistics from website and to know what customers are talking about. These all information are used to analyze the data and customer behavior. In future big data technology will become increasingly important in every possible aspect of our life.
Brain-Computer Interface
This technology allows the human brain to control computer without any physical movement. John Donoghue’s has introduced this remarkable product for completely paralyzed person. Recently he has experimented this product with the completely paralyzed women with sensor brain implants and enabled robotic arms to pour herself a cup of coffee by visualizing the process. Many researchers have produced a prototype where user can wear a headset and control the hands-free robots.
Few of the robotics companies have already given us automatic lawn movers, cleaners and many people are researching better ideas for making smarter devices. Already trains are automated and planes are mostly operated by autopilots and driverless cars are already seen on the road. You might even get deliveries by automated drones.
Recently robots are manufactured to stimulate the human reactions, moments, balancing, speech recognition and many more.
Mobile technology is increasingly getting personal, computers are replaced by laptops and in future it will integrate into our clothes. Implantable and wearable devices are mainly used in sports T-shirt that provide real time workout data by taking your sweat, heart rate and breathing as input.
By 2025, more than 10% of the world population is expected to be wearing cloths connected to internet.
Around the globe every hour new digital business are brought to online. Then just think how these businesses can access for the huge data and how web applications are executed. This process is only possible in cloud computing technology. It facilitates new services that are more competitive and easy to integrate huge data in day to day life.
These 7 technologies for sure will change our future, but things take time to emerge. So keep watching these technologies progress in the future.
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Advanced technologies for sure will change our future, but the thing is how we adopt those in our day to day life. Take a look on those emerging technologies.
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