The Great HTC Salsa-The Perfect Facebook Phone
he whole idea of instant access also work well when it comes to facilities for Facebook chat. Like MSN and Blackberry IM, this is an instant message system that normally requires the user to actually be logged into the site in order to use.
Mobile phones have come a very long way since their first introduction into the marketplace. We have moved from handsets capable of just making and receiving calls to phones that are practically a minature computer complete with internet access and high speed processors. Perhaps the perfect example of just how far things have progressed is the new Salsa handset from HTC,

a phone that is customised for use on Facebook. This could prove a very shrewd move by HTC, with the social networking site currently attracting over 30 million users in the UK alone, a figure that stands for approximately half of the total population. So what makes this phone so great in this area?The first obvious evidence that this is a handset that has been tweaked for Facebook is apparent from looking at the front of the handset where you will find a dedicated key beneath the screen. Not only is this capable of launching you directly into the site but also to offer you other uses that ultimately save time. Should you chose to take a photograph using the Salsas excellent 5 mega pixel camera, simply pressing this button will upload the snap directly onto Facebook. Likewise if you wanted to do the same with video footage the same principle is applied. The whole idea of instant access also work well when it comes to facilities for Facebook chat. Like MSN and Blackberry IM, this is an instant message system that normally requires the user to actually be logged into the site in order to use. On the Salsa this is not the case and subsequently you will be informed if somebody wants to chat regardless of what activity you are performing at the time. This could prove useful but may also turn out to be slightly annoying in certain circumstances.The HTC Salsa has a design that centres around keeping you up to date with the people who matter most to you, and not all of the four hundred Facebook friends you have. The new widget enables you to select you most important friends and you will only automatically be updated with their information and not every single person on your list. This will immediately appeal to anybody who receives meaningless check ins and photo uploads from somebody you met once many moons ago. The emphasis on people runs through the phones entire operating system and interface where all manner of messages, calls and updates are organised by person rather than by application. Put simply this means you do not need to be in your e mail account to read mail or in SMS to read a text, everything is organised by person, a principle that is relatively new but may prove to be the direction for future handsets to move in.The HTC Salsa will strike a cord with a generation of users that rely upon social networking sites as their form of communication and thus should prove to be yet another huge success for HTC.The HTC Salsa and the HTC ChaCha are coming soon