A computer or mobile application is made with a fixed set of protocols or limitations beyond which the application code cannot perform.
Typically, an application may crash when it tries to perform a task which is not allowed by the operating system it is running on. This usually leads to a sudden exiting from the app, restarting of the app and in some cases crashing of the device.
So what is the reason behind this unpleasant event?
There may be a number of reasons why an app or an OS might crash. A software code written by highly skilled developers of a software development companyhas a lesser probability of crashing than a code written by an ordinary programmer due to the sophistication and planning involved in the whole SDLC process.
For mobile applications, the frequency of app crashes also depends on whether you’re using Apple iOS device or an Android phone. Although studies have shown that iOS crashes are more prominent than the Android ones with iOS 5 topping the charts, it is not a clear indication of which operating system is better to use. Another advantage of android application development is that it allows the feature of auto-update on its apps unlike in Apple’s devices where you have to look out for each and every new update in order to keep the apps from crashing.
App crashes take place mostly because of the following reasons:
· Hardware problems like camera or GPS services
· Problems in internet connectivity like sudden connection failures
· Memory issues: App trying to access memory location for which it does not have permissions
· Trying to execute invalid or unauthorized instructions
· Analytics and advertising systems used by developers can also cause malfunctions.
So it’s clear that crashes happen due to a mixture of hardware and software related issues. As newer versions of an operating system are released, developers have a daunting task of testing their developed application on all versions before sending it in the market.
If an app has a bug, there isn’t much you can do to make it work. However, there are a few precautions and after crash measures that can be taken to avoid the mishap from happening again:
· Reboot Device: Switch off your phone, tablet or computer and restart it. Also restart the app. This can sometimes solve the problem.
· Delete application and re-install it. Incase there was a problem with the installation, the app should work now.
· In case of an OS crash, try restoring your device. This will do away with unwanted applications which have been installed without your knowledge, and make your device fresh.
· Since most crashes are memory based, you might need to reduce the number of applications installed on your device in order to make it work properly.
What we need to understand is that these are computing devices running codes and hence, are bound to fail in operation sooner or later but systematic and error free programming can greatly decrease the probability of crashes
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