Tips for Successful Android App Development
Google’s OS platform Android has earned maximum popularity and market share in the year 2012. According to research reports of mobile market analysts, Android is expected to be the highest selling operating system through 2016.
Google’s OS platform Android has earned maximum popularity and market share in the year 2012. According to research reports of mobile market analysts,

Android is expected to be the highest selling operating system through 2016. Being an open platform, Android provides exciting opportunities for mobile app development companies and freelance designers. Listed below are some simple and useful tips for software developers to follow for creating successful Android applications:
1. Reserve a Name Space – Once a mobile app is uploaded to the Android Market, it is the package name that Google uses to identify your product amongst thousands of similar functioning apps. It is thus important to reserve a space for app name in order to manifest your unique identity.
2. Stick to the Platform Development Patterns – It is not advisable to break the development rules that the Android platform suggests to app designers. Though most developers want to create a unique application, it is suggested that only development norms be followed accurately for doing so. For instance, the exchange of information like messages and pictures from and to the Android app must be completed through use of the Intent.ACTION_SEND option. Similarly, a developer must use the GreenDroid framework when utilizing the functionality of the app user interface.
3. Pay Attention to the Needs of the Target Audience – A thorough research of the Android mobile app users must be conducted in order to understand their expectations from an app. The features in any app must be included after consultation with the client or target audience, so that his/her purpose is solved from app usage. Feedback posts like blogs and app reviews must also be arranged to gather the views of an extended target audience. Remember that any Android app will be successful only if its users recommend it.
4. Use the ‘View Hierarchy’ Option – The Hierarchy Viewer feature that the Android platform provides to developers allows exploring of the user interface activities and the visualizing of the complicated app layouts. It helps immensely in the designing process as developers can have a clear view of the placement of images in the final application and also their densities. Overall, this feature of the Android app development platform helps build a better looking application, and we know that a larger part of the success of any mobile app depends on its appearance when installed in a device.
5. Themes Must be Used – Managing the style scale of an Android application is done through the use of themes. However, the developer cannot experiment much when designing the themes of Android apps. References to earlier themes must be made; adjusting the app to presentation problems in screens of multiple sizes and resolutions becomes easier with the use of Google themes.
6. Start with Simple Translations – The Google Android Market wants to attract global customers. This can be achieved only through increasing the download rate of the app. According to analysts, every Android developer must release a translated app description and title when uploading the application to the Android Market. Use of only localized text, a language that is specific to the region where the app is released, is recommended. However, the translation must be in simple words so as to attract a larger audience base.
There is indeed no guarantee for the success or failure of an Android app. Following the above tips will nevertheless enhance the possibility of an Android application performing better.