Tools Used in Windows Mobile Application Development
The use of mobile devices has transcended age & industry barrier. Mobile devices are so popular today that you can see them in almost every sector of the economy. But mobile devices can be rendered useless without the presence of OS platform and the apps running on these platforms.
The use of mobile devices has transcended age & industry barrier. Mobile devices are so popular today that you can see them in almost every sector of the economy. But mobile devices can be rendered useless without the presence of OS platform and the apps running on these platforms. Among the major operating systems used by mobile application developers for creating mobile apps,

Windows Mobile has emerged as very popular. The factor which distinguishes the Windows Mobile OS platform from the other operating systems available to app designers is the wide range of tools that individual designers & software companies can use for building innovative & purposeful mobile apps.
Some of the modern tools available to app developers for designing mobile applications to be installed in smartphones & other mobile devices and running on the Windows Mobile platform are:
1. SDP – This tool allows for the development of mobile apps for the Windows Mobile operating system with the help of distributed data processing systems which work effectively both when internet connectivity is available and network is not available. This is one of the fastest operating development tools available to app designers working on the Windows Mobile platform. The app building process is completed faster using SDP when compared to other traditional development tools for Windows Mobile.
2. eMbedded Visual C++ 4.0 – Developers can use this tool for building mobile apps only for devices that are based on Windows CE .NET 4.2 and the Second Edition of Windows Mobile 2003. Interaction with emulators, diagnosing unhandled exceptions, and carrying out immediate debugging are some of the functionalities served by the development tool eMbedded Visual C++ 4.0.
3. Microsoft SQL Server – This tool also enables rapid development process of mobile apps using the support of SQL syntax and an API interface model that is compatible with the SQL Server. Relational database functions available with the SQL Server lend access to functions such as heterogeneous data, support of transactions, remote data, and optimized query handlers. Using this tool, an application developer can ensure simplification of the process of development of mobile apps that will run on the databases of devices running the Windows Mobile platform.
4. Visual Studio .NET – This tool is preferred by most mobile application developers since no additional skills have to be mastered by them in order to create well functioning apps. Tools & technology used in the creation of apps running on desktop PCs, are also used in the designing of applications for smartphones & pocket PCs. Moreover, this development tool under the Windows Mobile platform provides the use of simple programming languages like Visual Basic and C# to a developer. Library .NET Compact Framework and ADO.NET technology available with this tool of the Windows Mobile app development platform provide effective web services which are utilized by mobile application developers during the app designing process.
The above listed four tools are by far the best when it comes to development of mobile apps that will run on the Windows Mobile OS platform. However, it is not an exhaustive list. Software developers working with the Windows Mobile operating system have access to several other tools to build well functioning apps for this platform. but if research reports by market analysts are to be believed, the above listed four are the best tools & hence every app developer must be equipped with them for designing mobile apps for the Windows Mobile platform.