Unique Benefits of Cloud Computing for Businesses
Organizations from across the globe are mutually praising cloud computing and its benefits like cost savings, flexibility, elasticity, scalability, load bursting, and storage on demand. These are few most known benefits of cloud computing and no doubt businesses from across the globe have used them very strategically to attain success.
Organizations from across the globe are mutually praising cloud computing and its benefits like cost savings,

flexibility, elasticity, scalability, load bursting, and storage on demand. These are few most known benefits of cloud computing and no doubt businesses from across the globe have used them very strategically to attain success. The concept of cloud computing has been hugely successful in making businesses getting a solid base for using either third party services or virtualized data centre. However, the hidden benefits of cloud computing begin to emerge after some time of its implementation and promise to add more value to businesses, than what it provides in its initial phase. Here are few most unexpected benefits that cloud computing flashes after its setup.
1. Added flexibility to get into start up – Cloud computing helps businesses in achieving more flexibility. With the availability of on-demand cloud resources, new configurations can be set and get started in a matter of a few hours. Thus, cloud computing reduces time and money, as users are charged only for the time they spent in a cloud. Even in largest of enterprises, progress largely depends on innovating new ideas and constant experimentation. Cloud computing gives businesses the opportunity to try new ideas without investing heavily in supporting those experiments.
2. Smoothing mergers and acquisitions – A major drawback of getting into a merger or acquisition is the time wasted in transferring data and records from one server to another. It takes months to transfer the entire data of the company acquired in bigger enterprises and sometimes, it never finishes. Not only the private sector enterprises, but also government agencies have to face this problem while consolidating various agencies and departments. With cloud computing, this transition is much faster as end users in the conjoined areas can access cloud-based systems quickly.
3. Cloud computing has few fears associated, which mainly include the fact that they are homogenized and built for the lowest common denominator and can level the playfield for all customers. At the same time, cloud services are based on the collective learning and input from customers. All incoming customers are immediately exposed to processes, formulas and interfaces, which are well tested and promise better results. This experience is not available in any other technology in the world.
4. Tech savvy – In the highly competitive economy, organizations that keep adopting and leveraging the latest technology stay in advantage. To get to this advantage, companies need highly experienced leadership in the form of CIOs, CEOs and other leaders. Statistics show that 80 percent IT budget is tied towards providing routine maintenance. Cloud computing helps by freeing IT executives to think out of the box and act strategically. They can provide the needed insight for selecting the right technologies and resources for businesses, be they from the corporate data centre or from a third party service provider.
5. Segue into the cloud business – At present, companies are readily building private cloud using various technologies and establishing online services that are delivered not only to internal users but also to users sitting beyond the firewall. Corporate that use third party services are also incorporating these services in the packages offered to their customers and partners.
However, business owners can derive these benefits only, if the leadership is smart and has the capability to use this concept strategically. I have mentioned this point above and I am laying stress on this point again as in businesses, everything depends on decision-makers and decisions taken by them.