Welding is one of the most widely used practices to bond pieces of metal together. Learn Welding and what Welding is.
Wikipedia defines welding as “a fabrication process that joins materials, usually metals.” This is done by melting the part of the materials to be joined and adding some additional molten joining material. When the molten material cools, it forms a strong bond or joint.
Welding is the most widely practiced way of joining metals together due to the efficiency and economy of the process. It has been estimated that approximately 50% of the Gross National Product of the USA arises from activities that are in some for or another related, perhaps remotely, to welding. As an example, farming may appear to have nothing to do with welding, but the equipment the framer uses to grow and harvest his crops will have used welding in their manufacturing process.
Until the advent of the 20th century, welding was confined to blacksmith shops where two pieces of metal were heated to very high temperatures in a forge and then hammered together until the joining occurred. This is what is called forge welding.
With the introduction of electricity into industrial processes, welding became both quicker and easy, and also more economical. Today there are 4 types of welding techniques that are commonly used.
Although the perception of welding is that of a simple process of heating and joining, it is a high technology industry with huge amounts being spent of research and development to find stronger, more accurate and cheaper methods. The welding process plays a big role in metallurgy with a constant effort underway to find newer and more weld friendly alloys.
Welding Wages Overview
Learn Welding and then you will need to know Welding Wages. Learn about Welding Wages and how they relate to Welding.Weld Symbols and an Overview of Weld Symbols
Learn Welding and then you will need to know Weld Symbols. Learn about Weld Symbols and how they relate to Welding.Welding Job Types
Learn Welding and then you will need to know Welding Job Types. Learn about Welding Job Types and how they relate to Welding.