When May We First See The iPhone 5
Whenever Apple decide to launch this new handset there will undoubtedly be unprecedented level of demand. Fans of Apple will be at the front of the line but smartphone followers in general are likely to be eager to get their hands on a phone that may well prove to be the best ever released....
The iPhone 4 from Apple has been labelled as the best smartphone ever produced thanks to a great combination of high screen quality,

fast processor speed and the simplicity of the excellent iPhone operating system. This model may have to surrender its crown very soon as the launch of the new iPhone 5 is imminent. So when can we expect to see this new model hit the shelves? We look at the rumors doing the rounds that seem to suggest that we can welcome the newcomer before the year is over.There is no official launch date for this new model but many reports seem to indicate that we could well be looking at a September 2011 release. The fact that the price of the iPhone 4 was slashed in August helps to reinforce this prediction as does the fact that O2 have scaled back their stock of the iPhone 4 in preparation for the release of this new model. Speculation about the launch of this new model can be traced back as far as May 2011. It was in this month that Pegatron, the firm responsible for building Apple components, allegedly received an order to produce 15 million new handsets for an anticipated Autumn launch date. Three months down the line in July Apple themselves confirmed that there would be a new phone present in the marketplace in the third quarter of this year. When asked about activity happening in the third quarter of 2011 Peter Oppenheimer, Apples chief financial officer, responded "there is a lot going on in the fall with iOS 5 and iCloud" but added there will be a "future product transition that we will not talk about today". To add further fuel to the fire it was reported that Apple are hiring more staff for the month of September and that US network AT&T have banned staff from taking annual leave during this month. In contrast to these above reports it was quite recently stated that the launch may be delayed to allow the phone to incorporate Apples new A6 processor chip which is still in production.There is another strong indication that we may be looking at a September release date for the iPhone 5 as this is the month that Apple are set to debut their much hyped iOS5 operating system. The manufacturers will be keen to launch the two products at the same time as the new OS feature many improvements that they will be eager to show on their newest handset. Much of the impact of iOS5 may be lost if iPhone 4 users are running the platform weeks before the new phone arrives. One of the major improvements that is offered by iOS5 is a new notifications centre which gathers all of the users notifications and alerts in one place. This centre can be accessed by swiping downwards on the homescreen. Other new features are set to include the new iCloud remote storage system and enhanced photo editing features.Whenever Apple decide to launch this new handset there will undoubtedly be unprecedented level of demand. Fans of Apple will be at the front of the line but smartphone followers in general are likely to be eager to get their hands on a phone that may well prove to be the best ever released.The iPhone 5 and the Blackberry Torch 9860 are coming soon.