Why Developers Choose Windows OS?
The Windows operating system is very popular among both developers & enterprises. While it is true that some versions are more popular than others, the management of system resources and multitasking in enterprises is facilitated most easily by the Windows OS.
The Windows operating system is very popular among both developers & enterprises. While it is true that some versions are more popular than others,

the management of system resources and multitasking in enterprises is facilitated most easily by the Windows OS. The XP, 7, & Vista versions of Windows are ubiquitous user interfaces in enterprises, especially banks & other business organizations. Listed below are some advantages of the Windows OS that makes the platform popular:
1. Hardware Support – The Windows OS platform is compatible with most combinations of PC hardware. This makes it easy to configure both desktops & mobile devices to run under this operating system. The large degree of compatibility has also made Microsoft’s Windows OS fit for completing the maximum amount of computing tasks.
2. Software Support – Microsoft offers a large user base to software manufacturers. In fact, most computing software available in the modern mobile market can be run on the Windows operating system. Brand Windows has become so identifiable in the world of software, that most gaming apps feature the Windows logo in order to reinforce the safety of the product.
3. User Familiarity – There is hardly any doubt about the fact that Windows is the brand most familiar with computing. Ever since the inception of internet & email, computer users have been familiar with Windows OS. Since users are familiar with the Windows OS & its functionalities, every app development company is inspired to use it for application building. The familiarity also ensures that the developers find the Windows development platform easier to use.
4. The Live App Treatment – The ‘Live App’ treatment which is being integrated in the newer versions of Windows OS helps build mobile applications which can integrated into social services, digital wallets, and online mobile hubs. Developers are switching attention to this new feature of the Windows OS platform since they were losing patience over the long app approval process followed by Apple. In this way, Microsoft offers an accelerated way to get mobile apps connected to areas most popular with their target consumers.
5. Opportunity to Discover More Apps – The Microsoft App Store houses close to 120,000 mobile apps. At least 45 among the top 50 apps featured can be run successfully on the Windows platform. This means that there is more room for discoverability for Windows users when compared to other OS users like iOS or Android because more apps are treated as featured apps and they can also be located more easily in the store.
6. The Lock Screen Advantage – The latest version of Windows operating system, Windows Phone 8 comes with the lock screen feature. There is however room at the top of the device screen to display the most favorite apps of the user (this feature is known as random rotation of apps). Therefore, the lock screen keeps the user informed & reminded about all the apps which have been installed by him/her. This feature also helps app developers who struggle to increase repeat usage.
Though issues of poor security and the fact that Windows is a closed source platform have worked against Microsoft’s app development OS, Windows remains one of the most favorite operating systems used in mobile application development companies and installed in large & small enterprises. Windows is indeed one of the easiest & most reliable OS platforms.