Xbox Kinect: Revolutionizing Motion Gaming
Learn how Microsoft is changing the face of video games forever with their newest offering in the motion-control arena, Kinect.
The Nintendo Wii shocked everyone when it came out because it offered a completely different video gaming experience. You no longer just sat on the couch,

and pushed some buttons here or there. You got up, moved your body around, and were able to control the video games by the motions of your hands while holding a special controller.
Well, Microsoft responded and recently announced their offering when it comes to motion control gaming, and that is the Xbox Kinect! An accessory for the Xbox 360, it will allow you to be able to control video games simply by moving your body around, your whole body! Yup, you will effectively become the controller. Kinect is a camera that sits up near your TV, and it is able to not only see your picture, but also judge your depth. If you combine this with the voice recognition multi-array microphone that it contains, then you will truly have a full body experience!
Not every single game that comes out for the Xbox 360 will be able to use Kinect. In fact, some won't at all, while others will use it for some parts of their games, and other games will use Kinect exclusively. Some of the games that are in the works are as follows:
- Kinect Sports, which will allow you to play different kinds of sports like ping pong, soccer, beach volleyball, and some track and field events as well.
- Your Shape: Fitness Evolved, which will be one of the best fitness games available for Kinect. It is like having your own personal trainer because you'll be able to get valuable feedback on how well (or not well) you are doing the various exercises.
- Kinect Adventures!, is a game that will allow you to experience awesome obstacle courses, a river rafting game, a 3D brick breaker type game, as well as many more.
The ideas that different game developers will be able to come up with will be endless. Kinect definitely has the possibility to change the way that we think of video games for the future.