Comprehensive Review of the Baby Trend Expedition Jogging Stroller

Apr 22


Ryan McGee

Ryan McGee

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The Baby Trend Expedition Jogging Stroller stands out with its robust design and user-friendly features, making it an excellent choice for active parents. This detailed review explores its functionality, design variations, and practicality for everyday use, providing insights into why it might be the ideal stroller for your family's adventures.

Key Features and Design

The Baby Trend Expedition Jogging Stroller is available in 13 different color combinations,Comprehensive Review of the Baby Trend Expedition Jogging Stroller Articles including a striking dark purple accent option that adds a touch of style to its functionality. This stroller is designed to accommodate two children side by side, making it an ideal choice for twins or siblings close in age.

Dimensions and Portability

Despite its sturdy build, the Expedition is not a lightweight stroller. It is comparably wide, taking up considerable space in storage areas such as a van. However, it compensates with ease of maneuverability. It features a simple mechanism for opening and closing, and can be lifted into a vehicle single-handedly while holding a baby, showcasing its practical design for parents on the go.

Enhanced Handling and Comfort

The stroller includes handlebar-type grips which facilitate carrying with both hands, enhancing comfort and control during transport. These features are particularly beneficial for parents who need a reliable stroller that can handle various terrains and daily use.

Specialized Features for Safety and Convenience

Safety Harness

The Expedition model is equipped with a versatile safety belt system that includes a 5-point harness for younger children, ensuring they are securely strapped in. For older children, the top straps can be unclasped, converting it into a lap belt, which provides flexibility as your children grow.

Seat Recline and Comfort

Unlike many strollers that use a drawstring for seat recline, the Expedition utilizes a buckle strap system. This design prevents the seat from loosening over time, a common issue with drawstring reclines, thus maintaining a secure and upright position for heavier children.

Shade Cover and Parent Tray

The stroller's shade cover is robust and adjustable, providing essential protection against the sun, and includes a peek-through screen for easy monitoring of the children. The parent tray is another highlight, offering two cup holders and a covered storage area for essentials like phones and keys. Some models even feature built-in speakers, allowing parents to enjoy music on the go.

Practicality for Everyday Use

The Expedition is not just about robust features but also about everyday practicality. It includes under-seat storage bins, efficient bicycle tires, and locking wheels for added safety on slopes. The oversized fender can serve as an extra seat, and a hand strap provides additional control while jogging.


One notable limitation is the inability to attach a baby car seat directly to the stroller. This model is recommended for children aged six months and older, up to 50 lbs or 42 inches tall. For those needing to attach a baby car seat, Baby Trend offers the Navigator model, which accommodates two Baby Trend car seats.


The Baby Trend Expedition Jogging Stroller is a top choice for active families, combining safety, comfort, and convenience in a stylish package. Priced around $199, it offers great value for a double jogging stroller. Available at various retailers, this stroller is worth considering if you're looking for a durable and functional option for your outdoor adventures.

For more information on jogging strollers and their features, you can visit Baby Trend's official website or check out additional reviews on Consumer Reports.