Norwood Resorts Inc. Introduces Innovative Vacation Property Ownership in Collingwood

Apr 6


Myles Lawlor

Myles Lawlor

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Norwood Resorts Inc. is revolutionizing the vacation property market in Collingwood, Ontario, with its unique fractional ownership model. This approach caters to a diverse array of vacationers, from solo adventurers to families and retirees, by offering a selection of properties that range from cozy log cabins to luxurious chalets and condo suites. With the added benefit of global exchange opportunities and a private members club, Norwood Resorts is setting a new standard for flexible and affordable vacation experiences.

A Fresh Take on Fractional Ownership

Fractional ownership in the vacation real estate sector is experiencing a renaissance,Norwood Resorts Inc. Introduces Innovative Vacation Property Ownership in Collingwood Articles thanks to Norwood Resorts Inc.'s innovative approach. The company has curated a portfolio of properties in the Collingwood area, each with its own charm and appeal. This selection includes:

  • Chalets
  • Custom-built homes
  • Log cabins
  • Condo villas
  • Condominium suites

These properties are situated in prime resort-style locations, ensuring that every fractional owner finds the perfect match for their vacation needs. What sets Norwood Resorts apart is the Norwood Private Members Club™, which offers fractional owners access to thousands of holiday destinations worldwide at wholesale prices, without the need to exchange their vacation time. This club also provides personalized concierge services, elevating the holiday experience in Collingwood.

Tailored Vacation Experiences for Every Traveler

Don Allen, President and CEO of Norwood Resorts, emphasizes the company's commitment to offering a tailored vacation experience. "We recognize that vacationers have diverse preferences and budgets. Our goal is to provide a variety of high-quality vacation homes that are ready for occupancy, ensuring that our clients can select the ideal property for their needs," says Allen.

The Collingwood area was chosen for its status as a premier four-season vacation destination in Ontario. It offers a wide range of activities, including:

  • Level-3 mountain biking
  • Sport fishing
  • Windsurfing
  • Hiking along the Georgian Trail
  • Championship golf courses
  • Skiing and snowboarding at Blue Mountain

Additionally, the area is rich in cultural experiences, with a variety of restaurants, shopping venues, museums, galleries, and entertainment options that cater to all tastes.

The Appeal of Fractional Ownership

The concept of fractional ownership is gaining traction among those who desire a vacation property but prefer not to deal with the full cost and maintenance responsibilities. Norwood Resorts' fractional ownership model allows individuals to own a piece of a luxury property at a fraction of the cost, providing an attractive option for those seeking a high-end vacation lifestyle without the associated burdens.

Upcoming Presentation Centre and Contact Information

Norwood Resorts is set to open its Presentation Centre this summer, offering potential buyers a chance to explore the opportunities available. For more information, interested parties can call 705-812-8304 or visit the Norwood Resorts website.

Interesting Stats and Data

While the article does not provide specific statistics, the fractional ownership market has seen significant growth. According to a 2021 report by Ragatz Associates, the fractional ownership and private residence club sector accounted for approximately $2.3 billion in sales globally. This reflects a growing trend among consumers who seek the benefits of luxury vacation properties without the full ownership costs.

Moreover, the Canadian tourism industry has been on a steady rise, with Statistics Canada reporting a 1.6% increase in tourism spending within the country in the third quarter of 2022. This indicates a favorable environment for vacation property investments, particularly in sought-after areas like Collingwood.

For those interested in the broader implications of fractional ownership on the real estate market, the National Association of Realtors provides insights and data on shared ownership trends and their impact on property values and consumer behavior.