Brochure Design and its Mandatory Features
Brochures can bring you customers, spread your roots in the industry and enhance your brand image provided they are effective enough.
Brochures are an integral part of marketing or advertising campaign. They are not just a promotional material; in fact,

they also serve to give information about a particular service or business. Brochure design is significantly important in the launching phase of a product or a business as it plays a pivotal role in spreading awareness. Customers buy products only when they have authentic and complete information about them.
Brochures can bring you customers, spread your roots in the industry and enhance your brand image provided they are effective enough. A brochure must be attractive in order to grab the attention of its customers, but do you know what the other mandatory features of a brochure design are? If not, then this article will surely be of great help to you.
The first or front page of your brochure design is of utmost importance. Beside good colors and graphics, the front page of your brochure design should also contain a captivating and competent tagline. It is mandatory because this will provide a glimpse of the brochure to your target audience. For a promotional brochure design, tagline should always comprise of the most important feature of the product. This will generate a curiosity in your customer, and your customer will be encouraged to read your brochure in order to get the required details.
Logo of your organization is also a mandatory feature of the brochure. It makes you look professional. Some brochures contain huge introduction of the organization which is simply useless especially in a promotional brochure. Logo of the organization is important to add because it is a competent replacement for the introduction. With the presence of logo, only three to four lines are enough to describe about the organization including its history and achievements.
It is mandatory to include correct and complete contact address of the organization. A brochure, without contact details, is worthless since it fails to create a link between customers and the organization. Don’t leave it to your customers to find your contact details. No one wants to waste time upon such things. Customers look for products that are easy to avail. Just a little distraction or uneasiness might encourage your customer to ponder over your competitor’s product; therefore, provide your customers with an access to your products or services.
Images help to grab the attention of the target audience but they should always be relevant to the nature of product being promoted. Irrelevant images might help you to attract your customers but they won’t be able to add value to your promotion. All the mandatory features including images, colors, tagline and graphics should be able to magnify the worth of your business; thus, they all must be aligned with the nature of the business or product.
Brochure is a highly valuable tool for accelerating an advertising or marketing campaign. If any of the above mentioned mandatory elements is missing then the brochure design loses its impact. Thus, it must be designed after complete research and knowledge. Only a complete and sound brochure design can help you gather a huge clientele.