Crossroads provides very wide range of addiction treatment services. These services are mingled with one another from detox, to treatment, to supportive living program.
Crossroads provides wide range of addiction treatment services. These services are mingled with one another from detox,

to treatment, to supportive living program. Our programs are set up in such a way that it brings stability and comfort in clients’ life. Our programs are run by professional and experienced staff. Have a look at our programs to know which one meets your need.
Detox withdrawal Management Unit
You’re entitled to a joyous, addiction-free life, which can provide various benefits:
? Improved health
? Self-worth
? Have successful relationships
? Lead abundant life
We can lend you a helping hand to overcome your difficulties and lead a normal life. Just take one step and we are there to guide you.
When you enter Crossroads, our nursing staff will admit you to our 15-bed medical detox. You will be examined by our physician’s everyday till you don’t recover completely. A client has to spend nearly 5-10 days in Detox, depending on his condition. Our Detox facility is clean, comfortable and supportive.
At Crossroads, we understand your arrival at our alcohol and drug detox. You have more questions than answers and you really don’t know what to expect. Our nursing staff can make you feel comfortable the moment you arrive. If you have consumed excessive amount of drugs or alcohol, you don’t have to worry as our capable medical professionals will recover you completely.
Various light programs like small group discussion and recovery process can bring the client back in touch with his/her body.
Residential treatment center:
Residential treatment program is meant for both men and women. There are nearly thirty-four beds for men and twenty three for women. Crossroads offers 4-8 weeks intensive program for clients. This program concentrates on group therapy, psycho-educational workshop and applied mindfulness program. In group therapy, clients have to do various exercises, projects and general group work so that medical professionals can know more about their lives and addiction. Clients who have attended this workshop have a positive effect on their lives.
In applied Mindfulness program, clients are thought major concepts of mindfulness and stress reducing exercises. Pyscho-educational workshops deals with changing beliefs, anxiety, self esteem, feelings and relationship anger management etc.
Supportive living program:
Supportive living program is a second stage Residential Program. Different programs are conducted for Men and women. Tarbet House for Men and Hollywood House for women are two supportive programs conducted by crossroads for clients who want to refrain from drug or alcohol usage.
Crossroads also offers a 3 stage program for clients who are involved in supportive living. First stage is called Support stage where individual and community is given due importance. Second stage is Meaning Stage, where clients learn to regain a sense of self and meaning in the world. The third stage is the responsibility stage, where clients learn the art of healthy living, giving back and redefining their lives.
Addiction Counseling
Crossroads provides counseling to clients for addiction and issues like grief, abuse, trauma and mental health. Individuals with addiction feel that their problems are unique and are best understood in a one-to-one session with their counselor. So each client is provided one counselor who can concentrate completely on that particular client and solve all his problems. Family and couple counseling is done for solving problems like depression, marital problems, anxiety, child-parent problems and individual psychological problems. When counseling is done for partners or family members at crossroads they can learn ways to recover from stress, heal from emotional problems and discover ways to support people they love in recovery and also work on their healing.