Custom 3D Imaging is a Money Saving Investment
If you have a full-time custom 3D artist on staff or even if you have an entire department, consider doing a cost benefit analysis for your true needs. Converting to an all outsourced modeling company can save you money in several different ways.
The first wave of saved money comes when you no longer have to keep up with the ever-changing custom 3D technology in order to obtain the best images. Even an equipment investment of hundreds of thousands,

like most nay investment in technology, is likely to be obsolete sooner than you would like to accept, and with the growing trend in digital 3D modeling, technological equipment is ever changing, and if you are like most businesses, you cannot turn a profit with a continual need to update.
The option to keep full time custom 3D artists on staff is also a money pit. Consider what percentage component of your business a graphic designer actually is. Yes, your final outcome may be dependent on his carrying out everyone’s ideas and marketing techniques, but the same satisfactory job can be done by a freelancer.
A custom 3D freelancer is paid by the project, and therefore is not fulltime on the payroll. He does not require paid sick days, vacation time, or health insurance, and his biggest financial benefit is that he only gets paid when he works. This tweak in your business alone could send you into the black for the immediate fiscal quarter. Couple this financial gain with the unequivocal quality of work you will receive from an outsourced gig, and this one adjustment in the way you do business will change not only instantly spell financial gain but will also immediately boost your reputation as a go to company for the most current marketing techniques.
The money saved by eliminated fulltime staff and fully outsourcing custom 3D is pure profit. You do not have to use any of the profit to invest in a basis for outsourcing. Freelancers provide quality and current even beyond current modeling for less than the price of an internal artist simply because they sell by project rather than by time and labor, and if you are willing to use a direct sale market place, the prices can even be cheaper, as you do not buy the rights to an image you, rather buy the right to use represent them. The original artists remained trademarked and therefore stand to continually and repeatedly gain profit on their original work.