The Latest Logo Design Trends
Stationery like business brochures and flyers with logo designs are all important parts of any marketing campaign. Waves are a famous concept for logo designs today for companies that wish to project quick thinking and rapid movement.
Stationery like business brochures and flyers with logo designs are all important parts of any marketing campaign. However,

to maintain uniformity with different types of stationery, it is necessary to use the same logo design in everything that keeps up with the latest trends. , Waves are a famous concept for logo designs today for companies that wish to project quick thinking and rapid movement. The design may not be solely of waves, but its incorporation to create a positive image to customers.• An effective part of logos today is transparency where the customers see the logo, and not necessarily through it. This logo design is beneficial as it can quickly adapt to include other designs and is great for drawing attention from customers. However, too much does depict amateur work. • A very popular logo design of today is Web 2.0 which is a trend where WWW technology is used for coining up creative, innovative and trendy logos. Though this is basically a trend, its popularity has increased tremendously over the years that Web 2.0 is now considered to be trendy idea for logos. • Using 3D images in logos has been rather difficult for designers over the years as making them look the same on computer monitors as they do on paper is not an easy task. This is why designers are now adopting organic 3D designs for logos. This concept emphasizes on making images look alive and original, without being overly intensive. Today, this design has become very popular and effective for use in creating effective logos.• Sci-fi fonts are used extensively in logo designs to get the right message in through the logo. These fonts basically have straight edges and simple shapes; while some designers tend to make changes on these fonts to create new designs. Once thought to be a passing font, it looks like this font is set to put its foot down in the world of design.• Using color scales or rainbows is another popular concept in logos, because of the long lasting fascination people have over the rainbow. These colors are used in various ways by designers like perhaps use of vivid colors and shifting of shades between colors in a large spectrum of color while using a black background to highlight colors. These logos are best used to depict technology, sophistication and freshness.• Leaves are also the latest additions in trendy logo designs which is why you see them used everywhere. In fact, leaves are also used in logos for companies that are not engaged with nature or environment as because leaves depict originality, creativity and innovative thinking. These logos are usually simple but catchy to attract anyone’s attention.Though these are the main logo design trends running its rounds, there are quite a few more designs you can consider for implementing in your logo. The secret lies in choosing a logo design that is not only catchy and to the mark, but should convey the right message about the company to the consumer.