Understanding Simplicity of Logo Designs
Having only the name of your organization in its logo is the utmost simplicity that one can achieve. There are obviously certain reasons behind it.
Logo is a representation of an organization. It is its identity in the business world. As people recognize organizations through their logos therefore it must to be easy to understand and memorize. A lot of emphasizes has been laid on the fact that simple logo designs are easy to remember because target audience easily gets connected with the organization through them.
Connectivity with customers also requires pertinence. Logo design must match the nature of a business. Now,

why is simplicity important? What advantages has it got? It is simple to answer as everyone knows that a logo only has a time period equivalent to a glimpse only in order to impress or intrigue its target audience. This glimpse ends for not more than 7 seconds. Within this time period, your logo design shouldn’t only be able to attract your customers but it must also be able to explain them your business. Thus, simplicity matters to a huge extent.
Simple fonts and designs are not just what simplicity is all about rather anything that can get across the minds of your target customers can be termed as simplicity. To understand it more, let discuss it further.
Having only the name of your organization in its logo is the utmost simplicity that one can achieve. There are obviously certain reasons behind it. In this case, organizations just want to emphasize on their brand name. If you want to go with the name of your organization only even then you can play around with font style, font size and colors. Suppose if you wish to reflect confidence and credibility through your logo then dark blue color can help you out with it.
Some organizations even use alphabets of their name with such an innovation that the whole meaning and purpose of their business is evident from it. These logo designs are not only then easy to understand but are captivating as well.
Many organizations don’t start with a simple logo design but during their corporate journey, they move towards simplicity. There can be several reasons behind such an endeavor. Let’s discuss some of them.
For example, Google chrome has changed its logo design. The new logo is extremely simple than the previous one. The 3D effect is no more there. What could be the reason behind it? Have you pondered over it? The answer lies in the enhanced capability of the browser. Google chrome has presented its eleven versions which have turned browsing simpler and swifter. Now, as discussed earlier that logo design should be pertinent with the nature of its business. Thus, the simplicity of Google chrome has now been made a part of its logo design as well.
Starbucks has also simplified its logo design a bit. They have a different reason for it. Starbucks has widened its product network from coffee to many other products. Thus, it has removed the word “coffee” from its logo. Now, the logo design is better able to represent the image of the organization.
These examples will surely help you understand the meaning of simplicity for a logo design and its importance as well. Thus, simplicity is all about understandability.