How Not To Waste Your Time Submitting To Dead Directories
Every webmaster knows that one of the link building methods is submitting to web directories.Let's say you spend 1 minute submitting to one directory and you submit to 50 directories. That's 50 minutes. If one quarter of them are dead this equals 12 minutes wasted.
As we all know,

time is money and this mean , simply, wasted money.Web directories numbers are vastly increasing this days and, as many are created every day, a lot of them also die, for various reasons, one of them being that the directory owner got bored of his toy and no longer review the submitted links.In a couple of months the directory domain expire or, the most common situation, the directory freeze and no new links are added.Such directories are many and avoid submitting to them must be one of webmasters top things to watch.How to do that ? Look for websites that keep lists of directories and check them often.If you use a list and from the first 10 directories you find half that changed submission type or have thousands of links pending (while having hundreds approved) than you can be sure that your list source is not so good.Try another source for your directory list, submitting to a low number of directories on that list and see how accurate the list is. You will find a good and updated list pretty fast this way, by removing bad sources.The situation fits even we change directory for article directory, the same problem is still valid when submitting articles to article directory sites.If you have multiple sites try submitting an article to some article sites and watch their review time.Sometime submitting to a high pr directory where your link is never reviewed is worse that submitting to a lower pr directory but where your link has a chance to show up in your lifetime.