Diet and Exercise Program - How Keep Motivated
A diet and exercise program must be for the long haul. No diet and exercise program will succeed if you only stick to it for a week or two; it ought to be a change to your whole lifestyle, a reconditioning of your appetite as well as your body.
A diet and exercise program must be for the long haul. No diet and exercise program will succeed if you only stick to it for a week or two; it ought to be a change to your whole lifestyle,

a reconditioning of your appetite as well as your body. A diet and exercise program must concentrate on your wellness and not only your shape and ought to call for reducing slowly, in order that the weight does not go right back on again.
However, with diet and exercise programs being what they are, this is easier said than done. Whatever you call it, a diet means not eating what you are used to eating as well as kicking that sedentary lifestyle for one of activity.
So how do you keep motivated to stick with that diet and exercise program, without it becoming so tedious that it drives you mad?
1. Diet and exercise with someone else. If a friend is suffering too, it makes it more bearable. Make it into a contest, perhaps with a small prize for whichever of you reaches their desired weight first. Take exercise together; you could go to the gym or go running or swimming. It's much more entertaining and you can have a chat as you workout and a cup of coffee together (black, no sugar of course) afterwards.
2. Keep a personal record, writing down everything you eat and the exercises you do with numbers completed or time, depending on your program. You can record your weight each week and how much you've lost. Make sure that you have it with at all times so you can jot things down whenever you need to.
3. Take pictures of yourself to maintain your enthusiasm. If you can see how overweight you were to begin with and how much weight you've lost now, you won't want to stop your diet and exercise program. If you're really fearless you can put your pictures on Facebook and your videos on Utube so that you can show your friends how well you're doing.