Well, I would imagine that people are waiting with baited breath for the answer to that question. To begin, you must look at what does not work. When you have eliminated all the rubbish, you will arrive at the best possible answers for fat loss.
Food Diet
The internet and television are full of particular food diets. The green tea diet, grapefruit diet, acai berry and thousands more. You have celebrities and talk show hosts singing the praises of these wonderful new diets. However there seems to be a problem, they are impossible to stick with and they are dangerous to boot.
To get to where the rubber meets the road let us speak frankly. Who in their right mind wants to spend the rest of their life eating the same thing? My guess is no one! You may be thinking that is true but you do not have to remain on the diet for life. Okay but then what happens when you go back to eating the way you were before the diet? You gain all the fat back and it usually brings along a few friends.
The other end of this spectrum involves cutting out only one or two food groups. This may be a little easier to swallow, but it still has a problem. The human body requires certain types of foods to be healthy. When you take one of them completely away, you reduce the body's efficiency or worse.
Your body needs carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals in order to function the way it was designed to. Therefore, all the above diets should be thrown in the garbage where they belong.
Diet Pills
Eat whatever you want and still lose fat, have you seen this commercial? Have you ever asked yourself what that kind of diet pill must be doing in your system to achieve that?
Diet pills work in one of several ways:
1)Decrease your appetite so you eat less
2)Increase your metabolism so you burn more calories
3)Relieve your body of fluids so you weigh less (at least temporarily)
4)Clean out your colon so you weigh less (again temporary)
Bottom line is this there is little a pill can do in your body to help you lose fat that is good for you or long lasting. Appetite suppressants are often little more than fiber that makes you feel full. Metabolism boosters can increase your heart rate in order to burn more calories and the last two's fat loss will only last until you rehydrate and eat again.
Good Fat Loss
Sorry folks but the best fat loss plan in the world is to eat healthier and exercise more. Fill your body with good foods from all the major food groups then get out and move your body. There is no magic diet pill that will accomplish that for you. A good start would be to keep a food journal for two weeks. This will allow you to see what is keeping you from your fat loss goals. It could be the three Cokes that you drink every day or the twice a week stop for fast food. You need to identify your trouble spots to develop a healthy eating plan. Then go for a walk, even a little walk will do your body good.
Your Motivation to Lose Weight
The weight loss market, as a niche market, is huge and growing ever bigger. You would assume that, with the amount of advice freely abounding, people would be able to follow instructions and lose their excess weight. In the majority of cases, however, this simply does not happen. But, why?When Enough Is Enough And Too Much Is More Than Enough
Your weight loss plan is doing well but 'you must take more water with it' you frequently hear. Well, yes. You should drink adequate amounts of fluid because your body is made up of 98% water. Every cell in your body is bathed in fluid. By the time you start to feel thirsty your body is already starting to dehydrate - which is why it sent out that 'thirsty' signal to your brain.Success At Dieting Is Treating Yourself With Kindness
You need to be realistic and learn to listen to your body. An exercise plan does not have to be so rigorous it would challenge an Olympic athlete; simply building up a bit more muscle would help to speed up your metabolism as muscle is more efficient at burning fat than body fat is. If you don't want to go to the gym, heft a couple of baked bean cans around - there are plenty of exercises online that show you a few calisthenics with weights. Take the dogs for a walk and get some fresh air - at best, it will get you away from the kitchen and the refrigerator door.