has all the information you need to lose weight and live a longer life. We are not selling anything, it is strictly for informational purposes.
Losing weight is difficult and time consuming. It's not going to
happen overnight,

but it will happen. Anyone can do it, no matter
what age or fitness level. All it takes is a little effort, being
consistent and patient with your diet. Want the secret to weight
loss? Keep up with your diet and don't get discouraged. There are
millions of people trying to do it too. You'll get there, keep it up!
Unlike many sites, we are not trying to sell you anything at all. We
are simply here for informational purposes. We want to help you
lose weight, and want you to have good nutrition and be as healthy
as possible while doing so. Please read as much of this site as
you can so you have a better understanding of good nutrition how to
be healthy while dieting so you can lose weight as fast as you can.
Now, lets start with the basics...
You need to burn 3500 calories to lose one pound!
First things first, you need to figure out how many calories you need
to consume everyday to maintain normal body function like
digestion, breathing, ect. This is what experts call your Basal
Metabolic Rate. Simply go to a BMR Calculator and you will
determine the basic number of calories burned without exercising.
Next you need to figure out how many extra calories you are burning
during the day with a calorie calculator. After you get both of these
numbers you need to add them and this number will be the total
number of calories you burn per day. If you want to lose weight you
need to eat less calories than that number. So lets say the total
number of calories you burn is 2000. If you eat 1500 calories per
day, you will lose a pound a week. Of course you can always shoot
for a lower calorie intake to speed your weight loss. Just remember
that there are 3500 calories in a pound.
Now you need to determine how many calories you are actually
consuming per day. We recommend not going lower than 1000
calories per day. If you go any lower your body will go into starvation
mode and you won't be losing the weight that you'd like. You do not
want your body to go into starvation mode. When your body goes
into starvation mode and you start eating more you will gain weight
back rapidly.
You can go to a calorie calculator to determine the number of
calories you are consuming per day, or it may just be easier for you
to read the food labels and add up the number to find out exactly
how much you eat.
Eat your last meal at least 3 hours before bed for optimal results!
By not eating before bed you give your body time to digest the food
before it shuts down for sleeping. If you eat right before bed, your
body will turn that food into fat, and thats not what you want. Also, by
eating before bed your body won't digest that food as fast and you
will most-likely wake up feeling not so good. If you are hungry
before bed and must eat something, go for a couple ounces of lean
protein, such as tuna, turkey or chicken breast. Watch your portion
size, its easy to go overboard!
A good start is drinking between 8-12 cups of water per day!
If you drink the optimal amounts of water everyday, you will in turn
lose weight faster. Your body holds on to all the water it can when it
is dehydrated. By drinking water you allow your body to not worry
about holding the water and it will expel the extra water and along
with that will come the wastes that you are burning off. A good way
to tell if you are getting enough water is that your urine will be clear
if you are drinking plenty of water. The more yellow your urine is, the
more dehydrated you are.
If you drink soda, we suggest you do your best to limit or totally stop
drinking soda all together. Drinking soda makes you gain weight.
Doing just this can lead to dramatic weight loss all by itself.
We suggest doing your best to speed up your metabolism. When
you speed up your metabolism, you increase the number of
calories your body burns with normal activity. If you are able to
speed up your metabolism, you will guarantee yourself to lose
weight faster and easier because your body will burn more calories
when you aren't even exercising. We will tell you everything you
need to know about speeding up your metabolism.
If you follow these simple steps you can begin your weight loss
journey. But there is much more to learn, and we have much more
to tell you about all the topics related to weight loss and putting on
lean muscle mass. Please look to the left and browse the links to
learn how to lose weight!