Weight loss pills are a medication whether you think of them as such or not and as such should be taken and used with care. This article outlines a few extra instructions that your pill manufacturer may or may not have incorporated into their directions of use.
As with any drug that is prescribed or bought over the counter the directions of use accompanying weight loss pills must be strictly adhered to in order to benefit from the full effect of this type of treatment.
1. Do not crush and blend:
Weight loss pills are designed to work best taken whole with glass of water, crushing and blending them with food or drink will affect the treatments' potency and ability to do what it is meant to do.
2. Ensure Hydration:Weight loss pills make a person urinate more frequently, as a result there is a greater risk of dehydration this is due to the drugs diuretic effect. In order to avoid any complications it is advisable to drink the recommended daily intake of eight glasses of water irrespective whether you are taking weight loss pills or not.
3. Do not overdose!:Sounds stupid I know, but believe me when I tell you that people desperate to lose weight quickly will have this strange notion that by taking more than the stated dose of weight loss pills you will lose weight much quicker. Take only the recommended dosage. Taking more than the recommended dosage will not help you lose weight any quicker but will increase the risk of side effects.
Your heartbeat should not exceed 86 beats per minute and if you are in any doubt at all about your blood pressure it would be wise to visit your doctor for a check up. If your heartbeat exceeds 90 beats a minute under no circumstances take weight loss pills.
5. Don't just rely on the directions on the packaging:All medication either prescribed or over the counter will come with direction for use, but do not rely on these directions alone. Consult with a dietician or your doctor as to the best way to use your weight loss pills.
6. Do not use weight loss pills for long periods of time:Most weight loss pills state a maximum period you should take them for and this should be adhered to strictly. As a rule of thumb, no pill should be taken for longer than three months as most pills are extremely addictive and withdrawal symptoms can be alarmingly severe.
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