This article is out for you to understand what is the most basic thing you need in order to succeed with your losing weight methods.
Losing weight is a goal a lot of people want to achieve, most of those people find it hard to get and many give up along the way.
Why losing weight is so hard while gaining weight is so easy? It is like cleaning an apartment, cleaning is much harder than making it messier. It is the same thing with our bodies, you can eat an ice cream or chocolate because it’s delicious and gaining weight instead of thinking every time you eat about what is better to eat in order to lose weight.
Losing weight is not an easy task at all, in fact losing weight is quite hard but it is possible for everyone who are willing to make this effort for themselves or for their partners.
Why am I saying partners? Well, many people start fighting their overweight after they realize the way people looks at them. Do you know the feeling when you see someone from your family you haven’t seen for a long time and the only thing he has to say to you is “wow! You gained some weight recently haven’t you?” I know this feeling and as I know this is not pleasant to hear, but as unpleasant as it is, it’s quite important someone will tell you this and for one reason which is that this point makes a lot of people make up their mind that they need to start losing weight immediately.
So now you are in the place you want to start losing weight and you want to know what are the steps you need to take and what is the meaning of changing you set of mind regarding losing weight.
As you probably know, losing weight fundamentals are talking mostly about the way of eating and the way you need to work out in order to lose weight efficiently. I am about to break this myth and suggest that those two criteria’s are only a part of a bigger issue that is the one that will make lose weight more efficiently with less struggling and will make it easier for you to keep the desired weight after you got it and not to sink right back into the place where you were and start gaining weight again like you use too. This bigger issue is actually the main thing this article is about and it’s “changing your set of mind”.
When I am suggesting you will change your set of mind what I really mean is that I want you to make losing weight a part of your life, of course in the beginning it will be difficult for you to do it without thinking of it but in the end of the way it will settle down in the back of your mind and you will actually lose weight naturally.
Losing weight needs to be part of your life from a simple reason and the reason is that when you want to lose weight you need to change your everyday behavior so it will compile with your goals. For this purpose what you need to do as a first step is to sit down with yourself and come to the conclusion that what you want to do now is to lose weight and that you are willing to put all the effort it requires into it. I know from self experience that it is really hard to change your way of living for it to suite to the way of living of someone who wants to lose weight but this is why I am saying you need to put all the efforts into it.
Here are a few examples for how to change your set of mind for the beginning, first of all you need to find time within your day schedule to make some workout and I am talking about starting with something like 30-40 minutes for like 3-4 days a week. Those 30-40 minutes doesn’t mean you need to run to the gym and make your entire workout in this time, you can also do some jogging in this time or some swimming but the most important thing is that you will do something. Another example is that as you probably know our food consume calories through what we eat and this is where you need to control yourself and start adjusting yourself to the way you are suppose to eat which is eat less fat food, you probably know all of this but in the moment you will make your body use to it you will probably start eating the right things without paying too much attention into it.
All of us are working/studying in our day life and the most difficult thing for us to do is to find the time to make this workout, what I suggest and this is one of the biggest changes you will need to do is that try to make some workout during the day. What am I talking about you ask yourself? I mean that instead of using the escalator or the elevator you probably better taking the stairs, when you are coming to work or coming back from work park your car a little bit far from your destination so you will have like 5-10 minutes walking, when you are going to do some shopping for groceries or so try to avoid using the delivery services and take it with you for a walk back home, every time you are going out of the house think if you really needs to take your car or you can walk this way.
Try those things and also try to think about some more things you can do in order to make your body do some activity during your day and within this activity burning the calories you were eating all day without even noticing it.
This is what needs to be your main goal probably, changing your life, making your life full of activity and through this goal you will achieve your primary one which is to lose weight in an efficient way and to keep your weight balanced for a long time. After you will change your set of mind you will see that losing weight is now part of your life and healthy living as well, you will see improvements in your health condition your fitness and the way people looking at you which is the reason that you start this trip, you will see improvement in any single part of your life including even your sexual life and all of this will happen because now you feel better about yourself.
This is the main point I wanted to show in this article to make you realize that the most important factor of losing weight is you and that you are the one who controls over how fast you will do it if at all.
There are many methods around the world saying they would make you lose weight fast and you know what? All of them probably right, but in the end it all comes to the one thing that no one can control besides you and it is your mind and by changing your set of mind you are making it easier for yourself to adjust for the method and execute it much better than you would before.
Hopefully you will read my next article much healthier and much more pleased about the way you are doing in you losing weight battle.