Cellulite plagues nearly 90% of women in the world. This article will discuss causes and more importantly solutions to cellulite. There are factors that result in forming of the dreaded dimples and cottage cheese on the skin.

as they get older, are more prone to cellulite than men. While it’s rare for men to have cellulite, almost 90% of the women around the world get cellulite as they grow older. But for those of you who don’t know, cellulite is just a fancy term for a collection of fat that push up against the connective tissues of the skin; giving it an orange-peel texture or a dimpled appearance.
You would probably be asking “what causes cellulite?” but unfortunately, while the exact cause is still undetermined, there have been a lot of supporting theories as to what causes of cellulite. Let’s take a closer look at the more popular factors which may have a role in causing cellulite.
Factor #1 - Hormones
This factor is not fully understood yet as to how the female hormones, estrogen and progesterone, can stimulate cellulite development. This is because estrogen determines the number and location of fat cells in your body and also encourages the development of fat in the breast, thigh and buttocks area while progesterone causes fluid retention, weight gain and weaker veins.
Factor #2 - Pregnancy
When you’re pregnant, your body goes through a number of drastic changes which can trigger cellulite development. During your pregnancy period, your body increases in fluid retention and a huge surge in hormones. These hormones are said to weaken connective tissues, including the tissues in the walls of your veins and lymphatic vessels. Because your womb grows as the pregnancy progresses, the growth presses on the weaker veins and lymph vessels which can decrease circulation and lymph drainage.
Factor #3 - Genetics
You can also inherit cellulite, since there are certain genes required for cellulite development. If your family, like your mother or grandmother were affected with cellulite, then you’re also likely to have them. This is because genes can predispose us to certain characteristics associated to cellulite development; this can be due to race, sex, slow body metabolism, poor circulation and weak veins.
Factor #4 - Medication
There are certain medications which can trigger cellulite development because of how it can trigger hormonal changes which can then speed up the accumulation of fat in your body. These medications are birth control pills, sleeping pills and even diet pills. It’s advised for women to consult with their doctors prior to taking these kinds of medication if ever they have a family history of cellulite.
Factor #5 – An inactive lifestyle
Inactive lifestyle can trigger cellulite development because inactivity of the body can affect your blood circulation as well as your lymphatic and venous systems; your lymph and veins will depend on muscle contractions to function properly. Without movement, the blood and fluids in your veins and lymphatic vessels stretch out. Overstretching of the veins and vessels causes fluid retention, poor circulation and even leaking; when you’re inactive you tend to gain more weight which can worsen your cellulite’s condition.
Factor #6 - Smoking
Again, smoking has found another reason why it’s a dangerous and destructive habit for your body. Smoking can not only damage your lungs and heart but they can also weaken your skin which can speed up the dimpling of the skin associated with cellulite.
While there may be some factors as to what causes cellulite that can’t be avoided, like pregnancy or genetic, you can make a difference in the choices you make with your lifestyle. Active exercise, quitting smoking and a healthy diet can help women all over the world avoid cellulite. If you already have them, then don’t give up just yet. Again, an active lifestyle, proper diet and exercise can help you remove the existing cellulite. All you need to do is make the right choices.