We usually define obesity, in medical terms, as an increase of body's fat tissue mass. It is difficult to determine the body mass index, known as BMI with common clinical methods, that's why the practice is to estimate it. It is generally agreed that men with more than 25% body fat and women with more than 33% body fat are obese.
Body fat percentage is total body fat expressed as a percentage of total body weight. Direct attempts to determine body fat percent are difficult and often expensive. The presence of obesity must be evaluated in the context of the risk factors such as medical conditions that could influence the risk of complications.
The sure fact is at the origin of the obesity is the malfunction of one or more of the three glands from the human body: the thyroid gland,

the hypophysis gland and the adrenal gland. Most of the people think that the fat persons are lazy or they don't do enough exercise. This is a wrong vision. The obesity is a disorder, and, unfortunately, one who make suffer the third part of the population, according to the statistics.
Of course that we can controll our body weight by eating right food, by eating at regulate hours, by not eating in excess, by making any kind of sport, but there are cases which can not be controlled by regular methods. Usually, the people in this situation are looking the salvation in weight loss methods.
There is a substantial market for products which promise to make weight loss easier, quicker, cheaper, more reliable, or less painful. These include books, CDs, cremes, lotions, pills, rings and earrings, body wraps, body belts and other materials, not to mention fitness centers, personal coaches, weight loss groups, and food products and supplements.
Some weight loss diets are good for one cathegory of users, and some not. The obesity as disorder could have a large variety of causes, and the recipe should be given according to the diagnostic. Therefore you may not say that some particular method to lose weight is wrong if it didn't worked for you. It could work very well for other persons with a different cause for their extra weight.
Of course that there are aand a lot of scams on the market, but, as in every branch, they don't last long. Anyway, as a general idea, we should take care of our body by considering what do we eat, when do we eat, how do we eat and how much do we eat.
And, of course, the physical exercises must not be forgeted. If you here that you may loose weight by making fitness, aerobic, bodybuilding, jogging, swimming, believe it all. Any kind of sport, even walking or climbing stairs, is welcomed for the health of our body.
If you find the balance between the calories you are consuming and the ones you are eliminating, you reduce drastic the risque of obesity or extra weight. If you need to loose weight in a fast and secure way, I sugest to visit my site.