You Can Live a Normal Life Being Fat And Happy About It!

Aug 19


Richard Research

Richard Research

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Fat people are frowned upon where ever they go and pressured and discriminated agianst in society. Its time to stand up and be yourself!


People that are overweight are frowned upon by the thin and slim almost everywhere you go in life,You Can Live a Normal Life Being Fat And Happy About It! Articles and even discriminated against. Slim people are chosen for jobs over those that are overweight for example, though the fat person may be better qualified for the job. The weight loss industry openly thrives on making people miserable, outlining the horrors of being fat any way possible so that they can sell their products. Of course they will do everything possible to sell these diets, weight loss pills and other products and it is them more than anyone else that has brainwashed society into making people think that being overweight is a curse.

Sure it may not be healthy if you are really grossly overweight in the term called obese, but of you are portly, or plumpish or a little cuddlier than others it is not any more than a death sentence than for those that smoke, drink alcohol, or drive their cars on dangerous roads. People are all built differently and have different metabolisms as well and some people that are a little overweight can do anything they wish but no matter how hard they try they will not lose even a single pound.

Fat people have the nicest personalities.

If you have a friend that is overweight you will no doubt already know that the majority of fat people have the nicest of personalities.  No wonder then; that it is your overweight friend that you will turn to for support in a crisis, and no wonder that the person that is a little overweight is the most steadfast of friends or companions. Many overweight people have lived long healthy fulfilled lives though they may have been ridiculed from as early as their school years, and perhaps if they learnt to accept the way they were no matter what people said lived happier lives than many slim people that had the horrors as soon as they picked up a single extra pound round the waist. Its time to get start living and accepting who you are!

Subtle changes to balance your lifestyle weight

There is a difference between being fat or a little overweight and being obese. This is an undesirable condition that needs to be attended to. Actual obesity is the result of certain factors and not just that of overeating. Some examples where obesity will occur are from compulsive overeating, eating due to loneliness or to fill a void due to loss of a loved one, or habitual eating. This condition is best treated by the assistance of a specialist or doctor and not just from a simple weight loss program.

If you are a little more fat than you would like there are some small lifestyle changes you can make without turning your life into misery. Here are a few tips:

Change the type of bread you eat. From white to rye bread or wholegrain.

Eat smaller portions of food and take time to eat slowly.

Change from whole fat milk to low fat milk.

Use less sugar in your Coffee and Teas and drink sugar free soft drinks

Be a little more active in your normal everyday activities.

Say no thanks to the second slice of cake or donut.

Eat take out once a week only or less.

These few minor changes in your lifestyle will gradually lose you a pound or tow over the long term. If your body has achieved a balanced weight according to your normal lifestyle and you are a little more round than others and happy then accept it and get on with your life without worrying what everybody else thinks.