10 Article Templates to Overcome Writer's Block Fast So You Can Write Your Articles in 30 Minutes

Oct 21


Eric Gruber

Eric Gruber

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Do you suffer from writer's block? Do you take too long to write articles? In this article, you will get 10 different article writing templates from an article marketing master.


I am a natural born writer,10 Article Templates to Overcome Writer's Block Fast So You Can Write Your Articles in 30 Minutes Articles so writing has always come easy to me. But, when I had to start writing articles everyday for my blog, for my newsletter and for article submission – I quickly ran out of article topics.

Then one day as I was reviewing all of my articles, I realized that there was a structure and a formula behind each article I wrote. By recognizing these formulas I'm able to write an unlimited amount of articles – and write them in record time. 

If you want to overcome writer's block and start writing articles faster, then you want to model proven article writing formats, such as those found in my "Complete Instant Article Writing Templates Kit"

Here Are 10 Different Article Writing Templates That Will Help You Overcome Writer's Block So You Can Write Articles Faster...

1. Myth Buster Article Template -- With this template, you crush your prospects' preconceived thoughts and notions about a subject. Take 3 myths people have about your industry. Explain to people why it's a myth. And, then show them what can happen if they clear this myth from their mind.

2. Top 10 Article Template – Have you ever seen a Jay Leno, David Letterman or any other late night television show that doesn't have a "Top 10" segment? Well, neither have I! It's because people love top 10 lists. So give readers and prospects what they want.

3. How-To Article Template – It's no secret that "how-to" articles and blog posts are some of the most sought after, linked to and bookmarked content online. People want useful information and they'll reward you by promoting it to others when you provide it. It's also one of the easiest articles to write.

4. Step-by-Step Article Template – If you think writing a how-to article is easy especially if you're using article templates, then you'll think the step-by-step article template is a cinch. In how-to articles I start off with the problem or pain that my prospects are experiencing. Then I give them a solution and end with the results. In a step-by-step article, I like to sell the dream. I want to instantly connect with my prospects' desires, wishes and needs. So, I explain the results up front that can happen if you follow my advice that I give in the article.

5. Quiz Article Template – Why do you think magazines publish quizzes all the time? Why do you think the quizzes you find on Facebook are so popular? It's because people love taking quizzes, unless it's a pop quiz in school. So, why not use a quiz format for your articles that will enable you to do a soft, pre-sell for your products and services. When readers answer "NO" to your questions, you're implanting thoughts of "Maybe, we should be doing this."

6. 3 Mistakes Article Template – When you mention mistakes within your title and throughout your article, you will automatically grab attention. People will think in their minds, "Am I doing this right? I better find out!"

7. The Why Article Template – How-to articles are great. And, as I said before, it's the most popular article template. But sometimes, when you give too much of the "HOW," you give prospects no reason to go to your website for more information. So, why not write an article that focuses on the "WHY" and give prospects a reason to visit your website and join your list.

8. Differentiate Yourself Article Template – This template helped Article Marketing Experts make more than 10,000.00 in less than 2 months. I created an article entitled "How to Choose an Article Submission Service." Within this article, I created 10 questions that prospects should ask. Now these questions were designed to show everything that my service includes that no one else offers. It educated prospects and at the same time, it pre-sold my article submission services.

9. Failure to Success Article Template – Did you ever notice how speakers (especially those who sell from the stage) would always tell you about their hardships? Why do speakers do this? Because we want you to connect with us. We want to show you that if we can achieve success, so can you. By opening up and revealing your failures or your scars, you add realness to your written words. People will look up to you and they will want your guidance.

10. What I Learned From Article Template -- Through my years as the article marketing expert, I've learned that I can connect almost anything – no matter how unrelated it may seem – to various secrets that I teach my clients, subscribers and readers. For example, I've written articles such as "7 Article Marketing Lessons I Learned From Being a Martial Arts Champion," 3 Lessons I Learned From the Mother of a Fearless PR LEADER," and "5 Relationship Building Lessons I Learned From My Parents."

These templates are guaranteed to help you write articles faster. In many cases, you'll be able to write your articles in 30 minutes or less. Now, I invite you to check out 3 of my favorite instant article writing templates all fleshed out with article samples so you can see exactly how each template should be used.