3 Rules Every Successful Blog Must Follow
Having a successful blog requires patience, consistency and the willingness to develop content your readers will find of interest to them! Read further to discover the 3 simple rules you must follow to make your blog a popular destination and thus qualify both your efforts and site as a success!
Having a successful blog requires patience,

consistency and the willingness to develop content your readers will find of interest to them! The culmination of these efforts typically results in building a large and loyal following of return visitors to your site! It is this following that tends to be used as a measure of your success when blogging and involves 3 variables you must focus on to create interest and traffic on your site!
Here are 3 simple rules you must follow to make your blog a popular destination and thus qualify both your efforts and site as a success!
The product you offer your readers are the updates you post to your platform so your chief priority is to develop content you can publish! It doesn't matter how many people decide to visit your blog, if it is lacking in fresh quality content it will soon be lacking in traffic as well! Establish a consistent posting schedule and update your site as frequently as your schedule will allow so that people will have something new to view! Remember, the schedule you establish will set the expectations of those who visit your site so if your posting lacks consistency, your traffic flow will as well!
The content you offer MUST appeal to your target audience! Focusing on the 'type' of information you create is of more importance than simply creating something new for people to view! The temptation to 'delight' your readers with useless but easier to more frequently produce 'rubbish' can also tempt you to veer off the central topic of your blog! The point here is if you go 'off' topic by straying from the central theme of your platform, the content you publish will likely go unread! Keep your thoughts and ideas focused on what the original intent of your blogging platform was developed for if you want to transform a one time visit into a flood of return visitors!
Any effort you invest in the research of or to further develop content you post to your blog is wasted unless people are made aware you have something 'new' to view! Most bloggers know how to optimize their entries for the search engines but more is needed to really generate the type of traffic that will make an impact! It all starts with sharing...share your links in every social media platform you're active in as well as your email messages and let's not forget any free information you're currently circulating! Always give your readers a reason to return by alerting them of any new updates since the more people return to your site the more loyal they tend to feel as well!
The biggest obstacles to building a successful blog are the time and patience required to develop content your readers will enjoy! Not to be demoted in terms of importance is the necessity to generate the traffic needed to make people aware you posted something new or even that your site exists! The discussion above emphasizes the 3 main variables all bloggers must address if turning any readers into return visitors is the goal! Simply remember loyalty takes time to develop with your readers but once it has been achieved this same loyalty can also serve to help you build an even larger following!