5 Article Writing Tips for Promoting Your Online Business

Sep 5


TJ Philpott

TJ Philpott

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Article writing is a time tested and proven way to generate traffic for your business. In order to make article marketing work however there is a certain resolve and consistency that is needed. Read more to discover 5 article writing tips you can use immediately to help you get better results from your writing efforts.


Article writing tips are always welcome by those who know what it's like to invest the time and labor into writing articles to promote their online business. Although this type of traffic generation is highly effective a certain resolve is required to make it work. Most anybody with article marketing experience would have a special appreciation for any type of writing tips that would make their efforts easier and more effective.

If your intent is to use article marketing to promote an online business adhering to the 5 following strategies will help you get the best results for your efforts.

Adopt a Long Term Mindset

Article marketing is a very effective way to generate targeted traffic online however this is a process that doesn't happen overnight. Articles first need to be published and then circulated and once this occurs the 'magic' starts to happen. So don't expect 'instant gratification' from your efforts when you initially start out.

This is a long term but highly effective strategy so patience and resolve will be required on your part.

Develop Your Own Content

The content that you base your article writing on should be uniquely your own. Attempting to pass the work of others off as your own will only get you penalized by the search engines. It simply is not worth the effort to plagiarize so don't waste your time trying.

You want to be sure your content is your own and contains information or insight that will benefit the reader.

Write Short Articles

As the heading says you want to write short articles that are easy for readers to complete. There will be times when your subject will require a longer length article to adequately cover the points you want to make. The ideal article length you will want to target when possible is generally between 300 and 500 words.

Personalize Your Work

No matter what subject you may be covering take the opportunity to lend your own personal perspective to the material when possible. By doing this you give your article a flavor of your own personality which readers will enjoy.
Realize that when you do any type of article writing you are basically having a one on one conversation with the reader. Write as you would speak and take advantage of the delivery that is uniquely your own since this will set you apart from the others.
Do Your Research

As we mentioned above you'll want your article to contain useful information for the reader. This is where Article research comes in since you want to be well informed on any given subject before you write about it. As you conduct your article research you are increasing your own knowledge pool and then passing this along to the readers. In addition you will invariably be collecting enough information upon which to base several articles.

Article writing tips are coveted jewels by anybody who knows or appreciate the time and labor that is invested when writing articles. For the effort involved most writers obviously want maximum results so it's important for them to know what they need to deliver. The writing tips we've outlined above,5 Article Writing Tips for Promoting Your Online Business Articles if followed, will likely result in higher quality articles that yield the results you seek.