Article Writing Tips - Finding Hot Topics
If you do a lot of article writing you know how important it is to find currently hot topics upon which you can base your articles. Out of all the article writing tips you may hear, learning how to locate these hot topics may be the most important one of all. Read more to discover 5 tactics you can use to help find popular topics to keep your creative writing juices flowing and your readers happy.
Article writing tips are something that should be shared between and amongst all those who labor over producing quality content for whatever reasons. Be it for blog post or article marketing,

routinely developing writing ideas that are popular with our readers can be difficult.
The ability to find topics to fuel your creative writing is more a learned skill then it is a talent. Learning to write articles your readers will enjoy and on a continual basis is a key to your success as an author. Developing an efficient writing process that will regularly produce positive results serves only to save you time and keep you motivated.
Today we're going to address 5 simple tactics that we can use to find popular topics upon which to base our article writing.
Blog Comments
If you've got a blog look the comments left and take some direction from them. Usually readers will indicate if a post was of interest to them and why. The more comments you get on a particular post the more popular the topic is to readers.
Branch out from popular post with sub-topics and write about them
No Blog No Problem
If you don't have your own blog visit sites within your niche and review the comments left there for ideas. Remember you're looking at comments left by 'real' people and their indications as to what is of interest to them is a gold mine of ideas for your article writing.
This fast growing social network site is a great source of popular and up to date topics. Just log in and look on the right hand side of the screen for trending topics. This is where members are having smaller discussions on issues and/or events that are of interest to them.
Twitter is an invaluable real time search engine and can be used for many different research projects.
Search a Topic Using Google Suggest Tool
When you're typing a particular topic into the menu bar while doing a search on Google a pull down menu will appear suggesting other popular searches. By taking each suggestion and retyping them into the search bar you'll come up with a whole new list of 'popular' suggestions to research or write about.
Keyword Research
Take keywords relative to your area of interest and search for other keywords you can use. Similar to using the Google Keyword Suggestion tool we spoke of above here you'll re-enter popular keywords you found to develop a whole new list of words or phrases. Fresh ideas for hot topics to write about.
Simply target the most searched upon words since this indicates their popularity. In a nutshell you're just learning to write articles based upon the popularity of the topic itself and not by choosing your topics on a whim.
Anybody that composes content on a regular basis always appreciates any article writing tips that will make things easier. Maintaining a steady supply of writing ideas whose topics are popular with the readers certainly helps streamline the entire writing process itself. By utilizing any or all of the above discussed techniques you should be easily able to stimulate your creative writing juices. Keeping readers informed on subjects they have an interest in will serve to make your article marketing and blog posting efforts easier and more productive.