Creating Content Out of the Efforts of Others
Creating content if you are working online is critical in terms of increasing your exposure and building credibility. Even though quality content can circulate on the internet indefinitely your ability to continuously produce it is limited. Read on to see 5 suggestions for finding an infinite supply of useful information that you can transform into something uniquely your own.
Creating content if you are working online is critical in terms of increasing your exposure and building credibility. Although this particular online marketing strategy can be labor intensive the results you get from publishing content are unparalleled. Quality content can circulate on the internet indefinitely thereby increasing and extending the exposure you get. In fact you can take any useful information you have composed and 'chop' it up into bits and pieces for use in other areas of your promotional efforts as well.
This strategy offers about as many uses as duct tape which makes it one of the most flexible ways to market online. Even the best and brightest minds however will eventually 'hit the wall' and run out of ideas on which to write about. When this happens here are 5 suggestions to use for locating content you can 'transform' into something entirely unique.
Trending Topics
Online locations such as Yahoo Buzz,

Google Trends and even the trending topics over at Twitter are great sources for 'seed' material. Knowing what is currently hot and what people are talking about it can give you a 'direction' to go with your next piece of content. You take the ideas and add your thoughts and/or opinions and the results will be something uniquely your own.
What's in the News
What is dominating the mainstream news and how does it impact your market? The news is a great source of useful information that you can use as the basis for creating and publishing content. Taking any news of relevance to your industry and adding your perspectives will make it original and likely a little more interesting as well.
Bring the News to You
If searching for news is too time consuming for you than create a Google Alerts that will deliver the news right to you. You can target any topic you choose and let Google find the information for you delivered right to your email box. Here again you simply put your own unique spin on the information you received and 'presto' something unique and interesting for readers to view.
RSS Feeds
Seek out blogs within your industry that carry quality content and subscribe to their RSS feeds. Much like using Google Alert these sites will then send any updates directly to your feed reader. Offer your 'take' on any posts you may find of interest or how the topic is relevant and can impact your industry. By offering your opinion you can never be wrong since it is merely 'your' opinion but you will always be unique!
Other Peoples Comments
Look to your own blogs for ideas, inspiration and information about which you can write. Comments left by your own readers is yet another way to pinpoint topics you absolutely know are on the minds of others.
Constantly creating content that is fresh and unique can be challenging over a period of time. When using this online marketing strategy it is therefore essential to devise an ongoing plan for developing quality content. Even the brightest minds have only so much useful information they can supply before they run out of ideas. The 5 suggestions above show you how to easily locate the information you need so that you can develop it into your own. Consistently publishing content will require you having information sources that supply fresh and relevant material with which you can work. The sources are there it is now simply up to you to supply the needed effort to make this strategy effective!