Fiverr Review: How I Got Started Article Writing on Fiverr
Article writing on Fiverr started for me about 7 months ago. Once I started I have never looked back and since that time I have written well over 800 articles on Fiverr alone. If you want to learn how I did it, follow the links.
For me,

Article writing on Fiverr all started one day when I needed an article written on a subject that was rather easy, but I was swamped with other work and needed to outsource. I wasn't really looking for anything in particular, I just needed a simple article written and I felt maybe I could spend a few dollars and have someone crunch it out for me. A friend told me about Fiverr a long time before that, but I never had taken any time to really check it out. So, I went on Fiverr to check out what was available as far as content writers were concerned, and I was surprised because I found several that looked as though writing an article wouldn't be a problem. So, I started to get really happy because I felt I had found a perfect source to really get a few simple articles written. Now when I say simple, the articles I'm referring to are not structured, do not require keyword placement, nor do they require any type of optimization. To me that's simple because they only need to read well, have a little structure, and have proper grammar and punctuation. So I found a service provider and I placed an order for an article. The waiting period was 4 days which is a long time for 1 article but hey, the person was probably busy with a day job, who knows right? 4 days later I received an email that an order was ready on Fiverr, I proceeded over to the site to retrieve my goods. I signed in and downloaded the article, opened it up and began to read. OMG, I couldn't believe what I was reading, or not reading. Honestly, the article read as though a 3rd grader put a bunch of words on paper, and forgot the proper order in which they needed to be arranged for someone to actually make sense of what was there. Okay, I felt I didn't get what I paid for and requested this person to write another article for me, and their reply was even worse than the article they tried to write. So, I was feeling kind of bad, but I wasn't beaten down, so gullible me tried again, and again, and again. WOW, it couldn't be that bad, but it was. Now, this article isn't about the bad experience I had when I tried to get some article content on Fiverr, although I could write and easy 1000 word article on it, but rather to help people understand how life can throw you a curve ball. I've been writing for several years here and there about all different types of subjects, and on all types of topics. After my experience on Fiverr I began to really look at the feedback that a lot of these writers were getting, and to my surprise a lot of it was not good. Now there are always two sides to a story, as for the feedback issue that's a whole new article to be posted soon. But to get back to the story, to my astonishment there were a lot of writers that had feedback that talked about grammar, punctuation, structure, not adding something that was supposed to be in the article, and blatantly missing the deadline for delivery. So I thought to myself, I want to see what these writers were up against, so I joined. Within hours of joining, I got my first order. I completed the task and submitted the finished product. A couple hours later I received my first feedback, and it was a Thumbs Up. That was 7 months ago and I've been writing on Fiverr ever since. Now, I write for many different private clients as well, and many of them where referred to me by people that I have written for on Fiverr. When I hear people talk about their Fiverr experience, a lot of experiences are extremely good and people come away feeling as though they really got a good deal. On the other hand, there are those that come away feeling though they wasted $5 on something that was less than perfect or not worth the experience. I spent $20 dollars 7 months ago, since that time I've written 878 articles on Fiverr alone. I'm sure you can do the math on that one. That little bit of extra income comes in handy around these tough times. Now before I go, there is one thing I would like to mention and this is for all those that wish to begin or continue their writing careers, and use Fiverr as a stepping stone. Write the very best you can because your skill doesn't come from all the money you make, it comes from your ability to write, and write well. The more you practice proper writing, the better you will become, but it all begins with your ability to put pen to paper, or finger to keyboard. Oh, and that 20 dollars I spent 7 months ago, it's still paying off and I dare you to figure out how!