Every beginning guitarist has problems with string skipping. Follow these simple steps and fly over the strings easily.
String skipping on guitar could be the simplest skill to learn. Not necessarily! Almost every single guitarist could have various string skipping challenges all through the learning process. Though with only a little effort,

the openness to make plenty of errors, as well as the straightforward drills you are going to hear about, you'll be leaping over strings with gusto and sticking those landings just like an Olympic gymnast.
"String skipping" simply means picking notes on non-adjacent strings. By way of example, picking a note on the 2nd string, and the other at the 4th string. In order to assist you to correct your technique we're going to focus on your right hand using single note melodies.
You will see me frequently refer to restricting the range of motion of your right hand. That may sound like a bad thing for you to do. But we will be using it for the forces of good to allow your right hand a limited area to operate in so you can improve the muscle memories for the distance in between the strings.
1. Rest stroke. In a "rest stroke" you should pick the guitar string and allow the pick to come to a stop against following guitar string. As an example: Play your open 4th string then allow the pick to come to rest up against the 3rd guitar string.
Here's that limited movement in operation. The pick will go the identical distance every single time and your muscles will learn that distance quickly. As you become comfortable with the rest stroke, your hand will be able to assess the distance among multiple guitar strings effortlessly.
As a bonus, the rest stroke will likewise improve your tone and right-hand consistency as a whole.
2. Anchor. I am not talking about the three-ton maritime apparatus. Even if that could help keep you in one spot to rehearse longer! Implementing a right-hand anchor means sitting your right-hand pinkie on the body of your guitar. If you are playing on the lower strings you will attach it to the first string. Exact same point here. This restricts your movement to a smaller area on the guitar.
A few guitar players will probably differ with me concerning the use of an anchor. Lots of guitarists don't use one at all. Even so, in my 20 years of teaching guitar I have seen anchors easily improve poor right-hand technique numerous times.
3. Those blind men have the correct idea. So now that you have got a good rest stroke and pinkie anchor we will do some genuine string skipping, but with your eyes shut. This also is a trust exercise. Kind of that experiment where your friend falls backwards and you are expected to catch them. Except that there is no possibilites of a head injury in this case. Rather you will be able to learn how to put your trust in your hands. You WILL mess up quite a few times at first, yet that's totally acceptable. Forget about that and try once again. Your hands will learn and respond faster if you don't let the mistakes frustrate you.
To keep things simple, we'll just employ the open strings on this exercise. Shut your eyes and start with the bottom guitar string. Have your pinkie anchor and rest strokes under consideration. Now pluck every other string: 6th, 4th, 2nd. Next begin at the first string and play every other string coming back down: 1st, 3rd, 5th.
Keep it slow, mess up a lot, then simply repeat the process.
Now reverse the exercise. Come down on strings 2, 4, 6 and go up on strings 5, 3, 1.
When you are able to accomplish that with ease, try out skipping 2 strings: 6th/3rd, 5th/2nd, 4th/1st. Exact same idea in the opposite direction. After that you can try skipping 3 strings, etc.
Any time you close your eyes, your brain changes things and places a lot more focus on your senses of hearing and touch (and smell, but we hope you do not need that here). That's the reason why playing guitar with your eyes closed will allow you to build up this technique quicker. All those ridiculous "guitarist rocking out/having a bowel movement" facial looks are optional, but appear to come with the territory.
When you've got it together, try it with your eyes open, but do not look at your hands. You don't really need to anymore. While you play, your eyes should be either on the music notes or perhaps the thousands of screaming fans in front of the stage.
Simply follow these steps and battle through the errors. You'll find that guitar string skipping happens to be quite easy after all!