Great Content vs. Great Copy - Their Use and Differences

Feb 19


TJ Philpott

TJ Philpott

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Both sales copy and quality content are integral components of any strategy used for marketing on the internet. The key to getting the most out of these individual strategies is to better understand their intentions and proper uses. Read more to discover the best applications for both these two strategies and how combining them is the best strategy of all.

When examining the difference between great content and great copy it can be said that they simply do not compare in terms of their intentions. When marketing on the internet there is always a strong need for both quality content and sales copy as both serve vital functions in the marketing process. There are however fundamental differences in the objectives of content and copy insofar as how they 'influence' readers.

Let's examine the difference between these two very important aspects of marketing on the internet to ensure that you are using them correctly.

Sales Copy:

Although by definition it is content it is by 'nature' more AGGRESSIVE in how it communicates it message.

Let's examine the uses and intentions below:

1) Meant to Persuade

The main intention of any sales copy is to persuade or influence the reader into making a decision to purchase what is being offered.

2) Can Be Bias

In an effort to make a point as to how 'beneficial' a product may be to the reader the copy written may 'tend' to project a bias opinion or tone.

3) Meant to Get a Response

Getting a response and the required one which is to make a purchase is the sole intention of any effective sales copy. In fact the response is intended to be received immediately upon reading the copy.

4) Serves Purpose for Promoter

The information the reader is viewing is not for the betterment of mankind as a whole but to actually benefit the promoter with another sale.

5) Based on Hype

Not to belittle the efforts of any copy writer but the fact is sales copy is not effective unless it successfully 'promotes' benefits and features. In order to do this 'special effort' is made to be sure readers recognize these benefits.


Content marketing,Great Content vs. Great Copy - Their Use and Differences Articles as it is commonly referred to, as opposed to copy that is used to sell goods and services is more PASSIVE in nature in the way the message is presented. It is more or less there for the reader to view IF of interest to them.

Here are some uses and intentions of this type of information:

1) Meant to Attract

The main intention of content is to attract those that may be interested in the subject that has been written about. 

2) Inform

The information that a reader views when reading marketing content is meant to inform them or increase their knowledge in some way on the subject. The information can also be just as effective if it entertains humors or provokes thought.

3) Serves Purpose for Reader

As mentioned immediately above content offered on the internet in the manner we are speaking of is intended to serve the reader in a way that appeals to them.

4) Gain Trust

By continually supplying free and useful information to readers online there begins to be built a trust for the author. This eventually evolves into the author gaining more credibility making them an even more trusted source in the eyes of those who view the content.

5) Based on Accuracy

Distributing information in the manner done when using it for promotional purposes is only effective when it is accurate. Only at this point can it be considered quality content and will it better serve its purpose. To introduce bias or inaccuracies will only damaged any previous credibility gained or efforts invested by the author.

By circulating great content around on the internet as a marketer you are performing a service to readers by supplying free information. Using quality content in this way helps to build your credibility and also attract readers to your business site. Once visitors' land on your website your sales copy is used to help influence them into making a purchase. As you can see from the comparisons above both content and copy are needed when marketing on the internet but they both serve different functions. A fuller understanding of the intended purpose these two vital components in your marketing strategy have will help you to better apply them. As you can plainly see they serve to compliment and improve the effectiveness each has on the intended reader.