Great Content Works Best In Small Doses
If writing great content for publication online is your goal, it is always wise to get your points across as quickly as possible! Giving people too much to read, especially on the internet, merely increases the chances your readers will not finish viewing what you composed! Read further to discover 3 valid reasons why keeping your content short will help to boost the online presence you seek!
If writing great content for publication online is your goal,

it is always wise to get your points across as quickly as possible! Giving people too much to read, especially on the internet, merely increases the chances your readers will not finish viewing what you have composed! Distributing information is a commonly used strategy for increasing the online presence of any individual or organization! On the other hand however if folks simply skip over your publication due to it being too lengthy, your writing efforts have been wasted!
Here are 3 valid reasons why keeping your content short will help to boost the online presence you seek!
Easier To Scan
People by nature tend to scan what they are viewing and this is particularly true of those surfing the web for information! That 'habit' alone should make it clear that if they're given too much to read it is very likely folks will skip over altogether any lengthy publications they find! Obviously if this is how your readers will react when they 'encounter' large and lengthy blocks of text, your efforts will be in vain!
Increase Viral Effect
It stands to reason that if people completely read what they view, they are more likely to share it with others, make sense? Well with that in mind, the whole idea behind circulating information on the internet is to 'enlist' the help of others by getting them to spread your content around! Tapping into the ever present viral potential that exists amongst your readers is a highly efficient way to boost your online presence! Wouldn't you agree? After making that point it doesn't make sense to give them too much to read when you know they're likely to simply skip entirely over what you have written!
Keeps Viewers Thirsty
By deliberately keeping what you have written as brief as possible, you're also likely to have left much information out! These unanswered questions or points that have not yet been made tend to keep your readers 'thirsting' for more in terms of answers or even closure! Additionally this also opens the door for additional ideas for you as the author to compose something new! Now you have created a 'following' of sorts that helps you to maintain an online presence! Not only that but it also presents you the opportunity to build on this exposure!
Great content in terms of writing for the internet does not involve composing epic length publications! In fact by giving people too much to read you're merely sabotaging your own efforts which are to increase your online presence! The best way to increase the effectiveness of anything you publish is to keep it as short and sweet as possible! The reasons as to why you should do so are discussed above and point out how your readers greatly prefer viewing content that makes it point in a quick fashion! In the end it seems the key to writing for the internet is simply getting your readers to view and like what you composed!