How Do I Get Published?

Jun 26


Joyce Shafer

Joyce Shafer

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Do you know enough about publishing your articles or books?


This is a question my clients who are new and aspiring writers always ask me.

We write for different reasons: Enjoyment,How Do I Get Published? Articles challenge, and to share information or our creative effort. If you’re going to share what you’ve written, you’ll need a means or venue to get published. But you knew that, of course.

But do you know enough about how to do this?

If you’re an article writer, you can find venues that publish what you write (such as this one). One of the best options to find such a venue or venues is in “Writer’s Market,” a couple-inch thick book that strives to provide users with as much current information about markets as possible; and you can find lots of good e-zines for writers you can subscribe to online at no cost that offer other markets. You can also search online for sites that allow you to publish for free. You can create your own blog or use one of the social networking sites.

Perhaps a fiction or non-fiction book is your creative focus. Many people have dreams of landing a major publishing house contract. They imagine what this is like and what it will do for them, but they don’t do the research to learn how feasible it is. Some believe printing their own copies with a vanity press is the answer; yet they don’t give thought to how they’re going to market themselves or sell copies nor other important matters such as obtaining an ISBN. Others know about print-on-demand services, but they aren’t sure which service is right for them. Two things you can do to learn more is visit the site(s) and contact some of the writers who published with the print-on-demand service(s) you’re researching and ask them to share their experiences.

These days, it’s quite easy for you to get your name and message out to the world. Just be sure to learn enough about what’s involved so you maximize your efforts. Then watch your dream become your reality. 

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