What you need to know about typing a resume step by step.
Typing a resume these days has become very simple, especially if you have the write software. You can buy a cheap resume writing software for around $35, but you will most than likely get a very generic looking resume.
In order to type up a good resume you first need to know the basic components a resume is made up of. These components are:
You will usually use them in that order, but there are some situations where you may need to highlight your Skills before your work experience. This brings me to the next step of typing a resume, The Formatting…Choosing the right formatting will highlight your best assets to the Employer.
Here are the Two that you really need to know:
Chronological formatting is the most common and is obviously the best to use if you have had no big gaps in your work history and you’ll list your work experience from most recent to so on. Also if you’ve been steadily moving up the same profession path during your career, this format will suit you.
Functional formatting is good to use if you are changing careers or have had setbacks in your working profession. The reason for this is because you’ll list your accomplishments before your employment history. By highlighting your skills first, you are sort of drawing attention away from your lack of experience and more towards you abilities.
Ok, now that you know what makes up a resume and have chosen the best formatting for your resume, now you can start writing. A tool I like to use is a 19 question questionnaire that helps me break down the information I will need for my resume. You can find it Here. Once you have answered the questions, the rest is a piece of cake.
With the questions you’ve answered, there is nothing left then to fit them into the components we have discussed earlier. Once you’ve have done so, you have just created a one of a kind resume and should get ready to blow any employer outta the water.
In Summary
Once you know what a resume consist of, then you know what kind of formatting there is. Then when you fill out the free questionnaire, the rest is just putting the puzzle together. If you would like to see an example of a resume I have written or need further help in writing a resume, head on over to shibaresumes.com and I would be more than happy to help.
Good luck in your Job search and writing.
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