How to Write Content People Will Read Online
When working online it is critical to learn how to write content that people will actually read! There is just so much to be seen on the internet that folks generally just scan what they are viewing. Read on to see 3 simple ways to arrange your content layout to spark viewers interest in reading the rest of what you wrote!
When working online it is critical to learn how to write content that people will actually read! Obviously the topic needs to be something viewers will have an interest in reading but attention must also be paid to the content layout as well! You see there is just so much to be seen on the internet that folks generally just scan what they are viewing. If something catches there eye then they will 'investigate' by taking the time to stop and read it! Human nature,
according to studies, show most folks scan from left to right at the top and then work their way down the page using the left hand margin. When writing to be read online therefore your content layout needs to position your points in a way that will capture the attention of viewers!
Here are 3 simple ways to arrange your content layout so viewers notice your points therefore enticing them to take the time to read!
Bullet Points
The use of bullet points is both very common and effective when writing to be read online since it breaks up the text. Large blocks of text are almost a guarantee to discourage folks from even scanning let alone closely reading what you have composed! Not only can it be somewhat 'intimidating' but looking at large blocks of text on a computer screen is also a strain on the eyes!
Sub Titles
The use of sub titles is another very effective way to call attention to important points you are trying to make. These titles basically serve to sum up what the reader will find in the body of the paragraph located directly below. Creating the right sub title is a great way to not only capture someone's attention but to also a great way to 'spark' their interest in reading the content that follows!
Serving much the same purpose as the use of bullet points, numbering any points you are trying to make again calls more attention to them. This type of content layout is generally recommended when you have several things you are wanting to present to the viewer. By numbering these topics it makes it easier to refer back to them and once again does a great job of breaking up the text.
The whole idea behind any of these suggested formats is to call attention to the most important areas of what you have written. By 'breaking away' from the standard use of sentences and paragraphs which all tend to run together, you are able to do just that!
Learning how to write content that people will actually read online involves more than simply choosing interesting topics. In most cases folks tend to scan what is in front of them therefore your content layout needs to be more 'compatible' with their scanning habits! Since studies show these habits have viewers using the left hand margin to work their way down the page you need to position your content to catch their eye! It matters little if the topic is something people may have an interest in reading if they do not see it! The 3 simple suggestions discussed here today serve merely to help you 'position' what it is you want others to see in a way that will capture their attention. Writing to be read when publishing anything online calls for proper attention to how you present what you have written as well as your topic selection!