Organizing Your Book to Be a Client Magnet
Depending on your attitude toward writing, this could be the organzing your book's content could be the part you've been waiting for--or dreading! But...
Depending on your attitude toward writing,

this could be the organzing your book's content could be the part you've been waiting for--or dreading! But whichever camp you fall into, writing your book--and writing it well-- can be a daunting task. However there is a way for you to organize your material and make the writing of it a lot
easier: break it up or chunk it down!Even if you're working with a complex subject, you want to chunk it down as much as possible and
keep it simple for your readers. You want them to see that they can do X all on their own just by reading your book. You will give them everything they need. This tactic makes it easier to organize all your knowledge and expertise because you know you only have to focus on one particular "how to" and the X steps it will take to handle it.A good way to break up or chunk down material is to organize it into steps, keys, strategies or plans. Note Dr. Phil's use of "keys" and "steps" and "plans" in his titles. The material in those books are organized in exactly that way: 7 keys, or X steps or this or that grand plan. Of course, not all non-fiction books are organized this way, but if you're seeking to
attract customers by giving them information or solving their problems, then most likely your material would work well with this structure.Having a step-by-step plan also gives the reader a sense of confidence that they can
implement your strategies. Most people like knowing that someone is going to take them by the hand and show them exactly how to do something.
Your Own Proprietary SystemIf you're thinking "I don't have steps or a plan" or "I don't know how to put my information in a step-by-step format", here's a different way to look at it.
Fabienne Fredrickson of teaches this as figuring out your "proprietary system". Your "system" is simply what you do when you work with clients all the time. When you work with a client or customer, you probably do the same thing with each one-- you just never thought of your process as "steps" before and you definitely have never written them down.So if you're thinking you want a new, mind-blowing way to look at an old problem, you're causing unnecessary work for yourself. You don't have to create something from scratch--this can be about what you already do.For instance, when you first start to work with a client, what's the first thing you have them do? And the next? And the next? Write it all down and keep going until you've included everything. Then go back and number each one. Voila! You have your proprietary system! DON'T SKIP THIS STEP! Make sure you write it all down because this list could become your
profit center for years to come!