Reducing Your Bounce Rate When Blogging
The bounce rate on your blog is a measure of how quickly visitors to your site leave and is obviously something you want to keep very low! When people leave your site without taking the time to 'absorb' any of your content it is harder for you to build a following! Read further to discover 5 blogging tips designed specifically to help you keep the bounce rate on your blog as low as possible!
The bounce rate on your blog is a measure of how quickly visitors to your site leave and is obviously something you want to keep as low as possible! When people leave your site without taking the time to 'absorb' any of your content this makes it harder for you to build a following! The intent of most bloggers is to get people to return to their site thus developing loyal followers! Loyalty can not be developed however when people leave your blog without taking the time to at least look around! There are several factors that 'influence' a readers decision to make a hasty exit upon landing on a blog that you can control!
Here are 5 blogging tips you can use to help keep the visitors to your site from leaving before they've had a chance to look around!
Relevant Content
When posting to your platform always be sure that what you offer readers is in some way relevant to the theme of your blog! Visitors to your site are looking for additional information about your central theme but if you go off on a tangent,

the typical reader looking for relevant information will simply leave! Always remain mindful of the relevancy of any new content you create or share to keep people on your page!
Reduce Needless Graphics
If your blog is a 'circus' of colors and graphics, this will likely slow the load time of your platform while hastening the departure of any new visitors to your site! Let's face it, there is so much being offered to read online that surfers will NOT hesitate to leave any page even before it fully loads! People are by nature an increasingly impatient bunch so be sure to give them what they want and quickly!
Keyword Relevancy
Many people search for content of their choosing by selected keywords! This makes it all the more necessary that when you're optimizing what you wrote with keywords that you select only the most appropriate words and phrases! One of the most important blogging tips you can follow is to use keywords correctly so that the organic traffic you do attract will not be mislead! You can not build a following with people who have no interest in what you post even if you get them to visit your platform! You are wasting both their time and yours!
What this means is simply using a design, template or skin that changes its appearance according to the device it is being viewed on! When people try to load your site on their device (laptop, phone, ipod or even desktops) if the page doesn't correctly adapt to the device, it will look FUNKY prompting visitors to leave! Most templates today address the issue of responsiveness so be sure your blogging skin does as well especially since many people conduct their online activities using mobile devices!
Name Grabbing
Capturing contact information of visitors to your site makes it easier to keep in 'touch' with your readers via email! Although this is an important strategy used by most bloggers it is equally important NOT to 'smack' people with a pop-up as soon as they land on your page! Remember, they are there to read your updates and NOT to be 'fleeced' for their contact information! Talk about making a bad first impression! Allow people to 'settle in' and absorb some of what you have to offer before requesting information from them and in this way you'll be better able to build a following! Think in terms of how you feel when you enter a store and are immediately 'confronted' by a sales person!
Cutting down the bounce rate on your blog will make it infinitely easier to build a following of loyal readers! What causes the hasty departure of visitors to your site can many times be controlled by the blogger themselves! The blogging tips offered above serve to address 5 common issues that can easily repel curious visitors if overlooked, thus making it difficult for any blogger to build a following! What do you think? Are there any other 'leaks' that may exist on your blog that have NOT been discussed above? If so please share so we can all benefit by simply leaving a comment and/or suggestion below!