Using Twitter to Increase Your Article Exposure

Feb 8


TJ Philpott

TJ Philpott

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If you write articles for online promotional purposes the social network site Twitter can really help boost the exposure your articles get. By simply taking advantage of a few automated services already available you can easily 'broadcast' any article to the people on twitter. Read further to see how using Twitter with the help of a little automation can significantly boost the exposure of your published articles.

If you write articles to promote your business online using twitter can help you to increase your exposure with very little additional effort. Learning to funnel your writing efforts through one of the top social networking sites online is a very efficient use of your own time and existing resources. When you consider the number of people on twitter combined with the ease of using the site the marketing potential here is staggering.

Here are 3 ideas you can use when you write articles to also gain personal credibility with twitter users while increasing your article exposure.

Use Available Automation

Many of the article directories make available to their authors the 'opportunity' to have their articles 'tweeted' once they have been published. When that option is presented to you take advantage of this automation since it will cost you neither time nor effort to do so.

Now you are able to benefit from having highly ranked article directories 'announce' the publication of your article on Twitter.

Follow Up

Once your article has been published you can created a number of various 'announcements' of your own that you can periodically tweet yourself. In doing this you are keeping the article in front of other Twitter users and maximizing the length of exposure it receives.

Creating these announcements can be done in minutes and with the use of the Twitter application 'TwitterLater' you can even automate this.

Showcase Your Best Articles

When you have what you may consider being a great quality article you can take it and post it on your profile settings. By making the URL available like this serves to extend the life of your article and its exposure on Twitter. Another advantage to doing this is that when you submit articles frequently you can constantly be replacing any 'current' article with one that is newly published. This helps to make this portion of your profile setting more dynamic along the lines of updating your blog with a new post.

Using twitter in the way we spoke of above to leverage your own writing efforts offers you additional benefits. Along with an increase in the exposure your articles get you are also supplying twitter users with useful information. The people on twitter will come to view you more as a resource and gaining a reputation like that on one of the top social networking sites online can only be an asset. By implementing the 3 simple tips discussed here today you are now able to expand the circulation of your articles and further solidify your own credibility.