What is Proofreading? Understanding the Definition and Duties of a Proofreader Here

Apr 7


Yasa Xerpihan

Yasa Xerpihan

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Understanding the proofreader's job description will help you understand the process of publishing a manuscript. Because a proofreader plays an important role in this.


Proofreaders usually work in a print media publishing company and some work in digital companies to check manuscripts published online. Not only working in companies but there are also freelance proofreaders who offer proofreading services either on an online platform or not.

This article will get you to know more about what a proofreader is,What is Proofreading? Understanding the Definition and Duties of a Proofreader Here Articles starting from the definition of a proofreader, and proofreader tasks.

Editor vs Proofreader

There is a difference between an editor and a proofreader that you should know. The work of an editor focuses on examining the linguistic aspects. Does the text contain spelling, grammatical, and punctuation errors? In addition, the editor will also check the correctness of the facts in the manuscript.

Unlike an editor, a proofreader is needed by a publishing company because it does more complex things. In addition to double-checking spelling, grammar, and punctuation, a proofreader is also responsible for checking the consistency of language and the flow of thought of an article so that it is easy for readers to understand. A more complete explanation of what the proofreader's tasks are will be discussed in the next section.

After understanding each job description, you now know the process of a manuscript being published. starting with the author submitting the manuscript to the editor, after the editor has done his work, the editor sends the manuscript to the proofreader. Then, once the proofreader has done his job, the manuscript is ready to be published.

Proofreader Tasks

Since proofreader is one of the most important professions, they will work very seriously. You will understand more about this profession if you know the detail of their job description. The following points will give you an insight into proofreader tasks in detail.

  1. Correcting the Script
    The main job of a proofreader is to proofread the manuscript. It can be grammar, spelling, punctuation, typos, and sentence structure.
  2. Editing and Writing
    After correcting the manuscript, the proofreader will edit the manuscript. Should there be errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, and typos, the proofreader is responsible for correcting the errors.
  3. Ensure Reader Convenience
    In addition to the aforementioned tasks, the proofreader is also responsible for ensuring that the reader will feel comfortable when reading the manuscript. Therefore, the proofreader also checks the logic of the writing so that it is easily understood by the reader.