What's the Right Length for Blog Entries?
Firstly let's establish right up front that there are no set rules for what is the 'ideal' length of blog entries. The length of the blog posting found on any site is generally influenced by certain 'conditions' that may exist at the time of the post. Read further to see 3 factors that have an influence over the length of what a blog master may choose for their next entry and why!
Firstly let's establish right up front that there are no set rules for what is the 'ideal' length of blog entries. There are a heck of a lot of opinions on the matter,

but that is all they are! Blogging styles are very personal and the length of any content posted to the site is left entirely up to the blog master themselves! There are factors that may determine the length of many entries, but in the end, if it still attracts blog traffic, there is little to argue with. The closest this discussion will come to 'recommending' the length of the blog posting found on any site, is to simply consider certain 'conditions' that may exist at the time of the post.
Here are 3 factors that can have a legitimate impact on the length of any content a blog master may publish at their site.
If subject has depth, it is understandable, accepted and even expected that the length of the content may be in the range of a long article. Many readers in fact will applaud the efforts of the writer for investing their time and effort to create and present such in-depth information. There are simply certain subjects that will require more than 500 words to cover appropriately for readers to gain anything from the presentation. In most cases these are refereed to as 'pillar posts' and this type of post generally creates a bit of a buzz online.
How Often You Post
If the posting frequency at a particular site is very high, the length of the entries are usually brief due to not wanting to overwhelm visitors with too much content all at once. On the other hand, creating all these entries, regardless of the depth they may present, does take time therefore it is more manageable to keep them brief!
Posting Consistency
Some bloggers are more 'whimsical' in nature therefore a consistent schedule would not be their style. In fact it really matters little what their style may be as long as their readers are satisfied with what is being posted! With that said a blog master may choose to create an entry that reflects both their mood and time they have available. The key to maintaining a good flow of traffic at a site like this is to make sure that when an entry is posted, it is content worthy of the readers time to view.
To establish a certain uniformed length for blog entries would be to strip these sites of their individuality! These mini social sites are in need of a constant flow of blog traffic to survive and if their publishing habits are attracting the readers, then all is good. Our discussion above focuses more on factors or circumstances that may surround the blog posting that could have a legitimate impact on how long the entry is. As far a 'universally recommended' length every blog master should abide by for their content entries, you can forget about that! Variety is good and is what readers want and what every blogger should give them! Besides, are not blogging platforms merely a 'personal extension' of the individual out onto the internet?