Google plus is the new entry in the social media-networking platform. With the establishment of Google+, the online marketing process has become more detailed, and now businesses need to utilize this platform as well to make better use of their SEO efforts as well as PPC campaigns.
Google+ is the new entry in the social media-networking platform. With the establishment of Google+, the online marketing process has become more detailed, and now businesses need to utilize this platform as well to make better use of their SEO efforts as well as PPC campaigns.
Since the introduction of +1 button in Google+, advertisers have become more eager to incorporate it in their advertising campaigns. Now you can use +1 button on your Display network ads, in connecting your AdWords account with your Google+ brand pages, as well as using it for reporting. A detail of all these features is given below:
Display Network Ads and +1:
Initially advertisers need to be logged in to their Google account, to see the +1 button on their ads, but now, there is no need of being logged in to Google. The +1 button can be seen in normal search, and when someone +1s a search ad, this information goes on to the user’s Google+ account, and other friends of the user can see it as a recommendation from the user.
This +1 incorporated with display network ads is of great benefit in a PPC management. Google values the recommendations of users. When a user +1s your ad, the same ad will be shown to the friend of the user, whenever he/she searches for some related thing. This way your ads ranking is greatly influenced.
Linking AdWords to Google+ Brand Pages:
Google+ brand pages were announced in the start of this week. Majority of top brands have established their brand pages on Google+.
From advertising point of view, the benefit of linking Google+ brand pages with AdWords is that, any time there is a +1 on any of the ads, it will automatically show up in the Google+ pages of the brand. Hence, all the change in ads will show in the brand pages.
Reporting Segmentation of +1:
The newly added feature of segment reporting using +1 activity has made the reporting process more transparent for the advertisers. Now you can see the impact of +1 activity on different levels like, campaign, keyword level, and ad group level.
This reporting feature helps the advertisers in following ways:
· It gives information about your friends who +1d your Ad.
· Then there is basic annotation, which gives information about number of anonymous +1s of your Ad.
· The third type of annotation gives you information about the impressions that are neither your friend’s, nor are they anonymous, but are general public.
The Outcomes:
This incorporation of +1 feature with ads has far reaching affects, its outcomes in terms of the efforts of advertisers, are given below:
· Now advertisers will become more agile, and engage them with +1 feature, boosting it on their landing page, and will consequently measure the performance with the help of annotations.
· The overall engagement with the +1 feature will definitely increase. As the time goes by, both user and advertisers will get used to the +1 activity.
· As mighty Google backing Google+, it is assured that, the +1 activity will become an integral part of advertising hence; advertisers need to take full advantage of it.
The time is not far when Google+ will become a major influencing factor on both organic and inorganic search. Therefore, the need for the advertisers is to take hold of it as it is new, and keep them updated with any new developments.
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