What are the 10 steps to create effective booklets always
For your convenience, here are 10 easy steps that you can use to always create an effective color booklet. Just read on below and see what tips may apply to your own booklet printing.
1. Compose an informative cover – To make your color booklet effective, your cover must always be as informative as you can. The image, the title, the subheads, and other elements must immediately speak to what is inside your booklet. It must be very informative, even detailing some of the topics inside your booklet by page, just like a magazine. This lets people understand quickly if it is something that they want to read or not. So make your color booklet cover as well as you can make them.
2. Always create a descriptive table of contents – Also, always add a very descriptive type of table of contents. Effective ones always point readers to the information that they want quickly. Always create a good table of contents that detail your sections exactly as they are and their respective pages. I recommend using your outline for your content as a good basis for making this.
3. Always add images, graphics and charts – Booklets are always doubly effective if you integrate images, graphics and charts when applicable. As they say, a picture says a thousand words, and those images can help you to efficiently communicate your message across without too much space used. So whenever possible always add in some images to make things easier to understand.
4. Use only one or two types of font styles – For printing styles, it is best to use only one or two types of font styles. This makes the design more coherent, clean and easily understandable. Of course, it is best to use sans serif fonts on your headers, while serif fonts are recommended for your text body.
5. Vary your text with different typefaces – To add variety or emphasis on your text, you should try using different typefaces like text that are in bold or italics. This is a subtle but very effective way to make readers pay attention so certain key words of important interest.
6. Use headings and subheadings – Of course, always try to use headings and subheadings when you can. No one wants to read a page full of same sized body text paragraphs. Not only does it look daunting to read, it is also hard to spot the information you need easily when this happens. So whenever possible always add headings and subheads.
7. List down things when possible – In your content, it is also good to list down certain concepts when possible. People love lists and people usually center on lists immediately in a layout. It also makes it easier to read and remember, so place lists when the information demands it.
8. Use proper booklet printers – Do not just choose at random. Try to research and see what booklet printing companies are popular and easy to deal with. Look for reviews and recommendations so that you know you are getting the best one.
9. Use good binding techniques – To make sure your output would look good and hold on for the better part of the year, always invest in good binding techniques. While perfect binding is the ideal for most, this might get too expensive for you. My recommendation is to use large staples with binding or those special plastic comb rings that recurs pages nicely. These should be relatively cheaper and still very effective at keeping it intact and looking good.
10. Use a simple color scheme – Finally, do not go overboard with your color schemes, Use only 2 to 3 colors to keep things interesting but still within a color scheme. You can of course very the lightness, intensity and darkness of the colors to make your own unique color scheme.
Great! If you integrate the above practices for booklet printing, I do guarantee that you will be getting great and effective color booklets for yourself. Good luck!