Free ezine ... is great way to get your ads seen in quality ... all over the Web. And the best part is it's free of charge. But are your free ezine ads getting any results? Listed bel
Free ezine advertising is great way to get your ads seen in quality publications all over the Web. And the
best part is it's free of charge. But are your free ezine ads getting any results? Listed below are ten tips for improving the effectiveness of your free ezine ads.
1. Keep Them Short
Most people skim through free ezine ads. Make sure that your ad is short enough to be read in a few seconds. Basically, short ads may get read. Long ads get ignored.
2. Get To The Point
Make sure your ad gets down to business fast. If readers can't figure out what your ad is about in the first sentence or two they move on.
3. Use Attention Grabbers
Use words that will grab skimmers attention. Words like FREE, MONEY, TRAFFIC. Make sure that the words
you use apply. Use exclamation points at the end of sentences. Don't go overboard though.
4. Make Your Ad Different
If your ad looks and sounds like all the others it will be looked over. Try to promote unique URL's instead of replicated affiliate websites etc.
5. Submit Early
If you submit your ad early, you are more likely to get your ad published near the top of the free ezine ad listings. The first few ads usually get
read, while the rest get skimmed through.
6. Save Ads In Text Editor
Keep a file of all your ads in a text editor like Notepad or Microsoft Word. This way you will always have them
readily available.
7. Thank The Publisher
When you submit your free ad, be sure to thank the publisher for the free advertising. This kind gesture may get your ad placed before all the other free ads.
8. Submit Often
Whenever you see an opportunity to submit a free ad, take it. Submit as often and as many ads as each ezine
will allow.
9. Keep Your Ads Tasteful
Make sure that your ads are G-rated and are not offensive. Publishers are very concerned about their ezine's image and
are quick to delete ads that they feel may harm it.
10. Keep Stats
Keep track of the results of each ad. Find out which ads work, and which don't. Reuse the ads that are effective, and discard the ones that are not.
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The Bare Truth About My Butt Quiz
Forget about the SAT, never mind the FCAT, and remove forever from you mind any thoughts about the ACT. All these test pale in comparision to the examination that I just failed. Failing those test may have minor repurcussions like never making it into college and therefore being forced to work at fast food resturants well into you 40's. That's nothing. I just flunked a quiz that could scar me for life.The Finer Points of Poverty
I'm poor. And I'm not ashamed of it. Actually, I'm kind of proud of myself for being poor. It's an accomplishment that many people will never attain. Some people will go through their whole life and never know what it's like to experience some of the finer points of poverty like eating ramon noodles for breakfast, lunch, and dinner 5 days a week. My heart goes out to these types of people. The Fourtunate Ones. People who've always had electricity, nice cars, and proper clothing.5 Surefire Ways To Ruin Any Website
Owning a website gives you certain rights. For example, you have the right to plaster your URL all over the doors and windows of your SUV in hopes that someone in one of the 7 cars you pass on the way to work will get the urge to visit your website and spend gobs of money. You own the website-this is your right. You also have the right to post pictures of your family, friends, pets, and other totally uninteresting images all over your website; after all it's yours. One of the biggest rights you have as a webmaster is the right to make your website successful (and profitable) or to run it into the ground like a 737 missing both engines and landing gear. For those of you who despise online success and frown upon the wealths of cyberspace I have compiled a list of 5 ways to ruin any website.