We sit in a chasm of sorts today. Reaching the thirty-five plus age group (the likely voters) is believed best reached with television. Apparently we did not learn from the last election, the power of the blog within the older age demographic
It is often said that the easy part to running for office is when you decide to throw your hat in the ring. The tough part is finding money to pay for it. This is true today more than ever. Why is this our present day reality?
Have the prices of yard signs significantly increased over the past twenty years? I know the price of radio advertising has remained nearly constant for the past ten years. Medium market stations have not increased their rates over two percent in fifteen years. Newspaper readership is on a decline and publishers are doing everything to maintain the current rates. Sure, cost of living expenses have increased, health insurance has increased, and the price of a tank of gas has increased, but show me where the cost of running a campaign has drastically increased. Television rates had increased, but with cable and so many viewing options, Tivo® and Internet options, a steady decline in viewers has yet to translate into a rate adjustment. It will happen. But as long as advertising agencies are employed by political concerns, over use of television will continue, as agencies, are afraid to deviate from “old school” methods in reaching the electorate. Ten years from now, campaigns will be much more affordable, as the way we reach voters will be drastically cheaper, and more effective.
We sit in a chasm of sorts today. Reaching the thirty-five plus age group (the likely voters) is believed best reached with television. Apparently we did not learn from the last election, the power of the blog within the older age demographic. Indeed, the only people unaware that persons over thirty-five are capable of receiving information delivered outside of television are the consultants hired to deliver the candidate’s or special interest group’s message.
The time has arrived to challenge the way we communicate with the electorate. Success will be awarded to the individual or group who make inroads starting now. I would advise a person who advertises on television to cut this portion of the budget in half and force the campaign to find other advertising vehicles. The future has arrived.
Google Adwords TV - Survival Guide
With no help from Google. No operator to answer your call. No customer service person will respond to your email. You are on your own. Google Adwords TV is an effective way to affordable advertise our product to a national audience, but the hours you spend failing may not be worth it. We offer our suggestions for success with Google Adwords TV.Cable Television Advertising: A Game Changer in Local Elections
Cable television advertising has proven to be a potent tool in local political campaigns, offering a cost-effective method to reach targeted demographics and influence voter behavior. This was vividly demonstrated in the 2010 election for the Sacramento California Democratic Central Committee, where Bruce Pomer utilized a strategic cable TV ad campaign to secure a committee seat, outperforming traditional campaign methods.Navigating Political Media Purchases on a Shoestring Budget
In the high-stakes world of political campaigning, managing a limited budget while maximizing media exposure is a daunting challenge. As election day approaches, the scramble for affordable yet effective advertising slots intensifies. This article delves into the complexities of securing media space with constrained financial resources, offering insights into innovative strategies that can help campaigns achieve visibility without breaking the bank.